parent portal isd 728

by Prof. Leif Green Jr. 4 min read

What is Parent Portal?

What is Parent Portal? ISD 728 provides Infinite Campus Parent Portal to students, and parents/guardians of students attending our schools.

Why choose the ISD 728?

The ISD 728 encourages and appreciates all of the many ways parents, guardians and our greater community partner with us to meet our mission of educating, inspiring and empowering our students. Learn More! Have a New Student? Register TODAY!

How do I integrate Schoology with campus Parent Portal?

Select options for receiving email communications from your school, and connect with other systems like Schoology online student learning and RevTrak online payments. Once your Campus Parent Portal account is setup, you can activate your Schoology account if you have a child in grades 3-12.

How do I contact the campus Student/Parent Portal support team?

Visit the Campus Student/Parent Portal Help Webpage. For further help, please use the Parent Portal Support Request form. Thanks for visiting!


What is Parent Portal?

Parent Portal is our tool for parents and students to access instant, online, timely and secure student information such as class schedule, assignments, attendance, and report cards, accessible at Parent Portal also allows you to select options for receiving communications from your school and school district.

How do I obtain an account?

If you missed the annual mid-August welcome email containing your portal activation instructions, request your unique Activation information using the contact info available under the Help area on the right. Once you have your info, go to the Parent Portal log-in page at to activate your account.

Campus Mobile App

Get access to Campus Portal information when you want it, anytime, anywhere, from your iOS or Android devices. The Infinite Campus mobile app is easy to use and allows students to view assignments, check their schedules and see their grades.

New Parent Accounts

Usernames are based on email address for all Parent Apps, including Campus Parent Portal and Schoology.

What Email Address will be used?

Changing your primary email address on file with ISD 728 will also change your Infinite Campus Parent username and Account Security Email to match.

What if I want to change my password? Or forgot it?

Password resets are available using the Forgot Password link at the app sign in screen without needing to contact support. Schoology and other systems usernames and passwords are changed separately at each system at this time - so changing your password for one does NOT change your password for all accounts.

What if I do not know my email on file, or do not yet have an email address on file?

Use the Campus Parent Portal Support Request Form to send your email address and have your Campus account created. If you need to create an email address, you can sign-up for free email service from Google Gmail, Microsoft Outlook, Yahoo, or others of your choosing.

If I share my email address with ISD 728, who will have access to it?

According to school district policy, email addresses are available as Public Directory Information for written requests typically received from local business and youth groups. Parents can opt out by submitting a letter to the ISD 728 Technology Department at 11500 193rd Avenue NW, Elk River, 55330.

How does this affect my Security Email on file?

Going forward, changing your primary email address on file with ISD 728 will also change your Infinite Campus Parent username and Account Security Email to match.You can not have a seperate security email from your username at this time.

When should I use Campus Parent vs Schoology Parent Access?

Schoology provides a more detailed access to classroom activities, assignments and testing data. Schoology is the location where classroom teachers post some of their day-to-day work as well as course announcements for students. Campus in many cases is still the place where final grades will be posted. Video Coming Soon!
