parent portal login edison nj

by Alexzander Nicolas 9 min read

Who do I contact if I need help with Parent Portal?

If you require further assistance after checking Parent Portal or if there are any issues accessing any of the online accounts, please contact the Assistant Principal, Donald Platvoet. Mr. Platvoet can be contacted through email at or by calling 732-452-2910 ext. 67003.

How do I register for the parent portal?

Question 1. How do I register for the Parent Portal? Answer 1. Contact the Enrollment Center at or call 732-452-4574 between the hours of 8:00AM - 4:00PM. Question 2. Is there a user's guide for the Parent Portal?

How do I request additional assistance with the parent portal?

If you require additional assistance, please email: or call 732-452-4574 between the hours of 8:00AM-4:00PM. Question 1. How do I register for the Parent Portal? Answer 1. Contact the Enrollment Center at or call 732-452-4574 between the hours of 8:00AM - 4:00PM. Question 2.

Where is the PowerSchool Parent Portal located?

PowerSchool Parent Portal Login PowerSchool Parent Portal Help GET IN TOUCH 500 North Broad Street | Elizabeth, NJ 07208 | Phone:908.436.5000 Site Map


Who is the assistant principal of Edison K12.NJ?

If you require further assistance after checking Parent Portal or if there are any issues accessing any of the online accounts, please contact the Assistant Principal, Donald Platvoet. Mr. Platvoet can be contacted through email at or by calling 732-452-2910 ext. 67003.

Where to find student passwords?

Student Usernames and Passwords can be found in Parent Portal under the Student Data tab. The district utilizes a Single Sign On program called Classlink that will give them access to all of their digital materials through just one Username and Password.

What is the phone number for school to pick up missed work?

If your child is going to be absent, please call the school at 732-452-2910 and press 1. If you want the teacher to prepare a packet of missed work, please call by 10:00 AM to ensure that the teacher has time to prepare the packet. The work can be picked up in the Main Office after 3:00 PM.

How to contact your child's teacher?

All teachers have an email address which is available in the “TEACHERS” section on the school website. You can also call and leave a message for the teacher in the main office. Teachers can also schedule face to face meetings before, during or after school based on their availability. You can expect the teacher to return your email or message within 24 hours.

What grade do you pre-register for?

Pre-Registration for 6th and 9th Grade Students

When will EBOE tour schools?

EBOE Members Tour School Buildings in Preparation for Reopeing 2021

Our Mission

The mission of the Public Schools of Edison Township is to ensure that all students achieve at the highest level of academic success.


Questions about the Middlesex College Early College Dual Credit application? See your counselor before October 25.
