parent portal lometa

by Cleo Medhurst PhD 3 min read

How to set up a proxy for Loyola?

How to set up Proxy Access in Self Service: 1. Log in to Click on the Loyola Self-Service tile and sign in. On the left side of the screen, click on the three white lines at the top of the page, then click user options>View/Add Proxy Access>Add a Person for Proxy Access.

How to access student account information?

To access your student’s account information, please log in to Self Service. Click here for proxy instructions. Follow the instructions below to allow third party access. If you have questions, contact the Help Center at 410-617-5555 or email

Can parents access student records?

Parents/guardians can be given access to the student’s education records only if the student provides consent. A student can remove consent at any time. For more information on FERPA legislation, visit the records office website. To access your student’s account information, please log in to Self Service.

Does Loyola have a 1098T?

Loyola provides access for third parties through Loyola Self Service. This system allows individuals to have access to student account information, 1098T tax documents, financial aid status and awards, and grades. Access is not mandatory nor automatic and must be granted by the student.

Volunteer Information

In accordance with the Texas Education Code, Section 22.083, La Porte ISD may obtain criminal history record information on an individual who has indicated, in writing, an intention to serve as a volunteer.

Parental and Family Engagement Policy (ESSA Sec. 1116)

Implement programs, activities and procedures that will involve parents and family members in the educational process of their children.

New Student Registration

To register your child (ren) who will be new to La Porte ISD in the 2021-22 school year, you will need to create an account with PowerSchool. It's quick and simple!

Open Enrollment (for non-residents)

Open enrollment is for students who do not live in La Porte ISD but wish to attend our schools. To apply for open enrollment, please follow the link provided below and complete the form. (Instructions for submitting the application are on page 4.)

Registration for Returning Students

Didn't receive a snap code? Call your child's campus and they'll be happy to help you.

Accelerated Early College Program Information

Accelerated College Education (ACE) and Dual Enrollment (DE) are programs that have been developed through a partnership between La Porte ISD and San Jacinto College.
