parent portal lytle isd

by Mr. Diego Hand 10 min read

Ascender Parent Portal - Student Registration Guide

To register a child for school, you must have add them into your ascender account. READ MORE

Ascender Parent Portal

Register Your Child for School - Create Parent Account. See your student's grades. READ MORE

Ascender Student Portal

Student can set up an account to access their grades and attendance details through Ascender Student Portal. READ MORE

Ascender Parent Portal - Student Registration Guide

To register a child for school, you must have add them into your ascender account. READ MORE

Ascender Parent Portal

Register Your Child for School - Create Parent Account. See your student's grades. READ MORE

Ascender Student Portal

Student can set up an account to access their grades and attendance details through Ascender Student Portal. READ MORE

Ascender Parent Portal - Student Registration Guide

To register a child for school, you must have add them into your ascender account. READ MORE

Ascender Parent Portal

Register Your Child for School - Create Parent Account. See your student's grades. READ MORE

Lytle ISD Student Handbook 2021-2022

Education is a team effort. Students, parents, teachers, and other staff members working together will make this a successful year. The Lytle ISD Student Handbook is a general reference guide that is divided into two sections: Section One: Parental Rights and Section Two: Other Important Information for Parents and Students.

Texas Public Schools COVID-19 Data

Public schools are required to report positive COVID-19 cases on school campuses. This data will be updated weekly on Thursdays. READ MORE

2-15-2022 MUST SEE! Our Littlest Pirates Are EXPERTS on the Topic of LOVE

Thank you, again, to KENS 5 / Great Day SA video journalists Justin Calderon and Liz Casas who took the time to talk to our Littlest Pirates at the Primary campus. You won't want to miss our kiddos' expert advice on the topic of LOVE! They all did a very good job summing it up.

2-7-2022 Watch KENS 5 Good Day SA Tomorrow - Tues., Feb. 9, at 9am!

If your schedule allows, watch Great Day SA on KENS 5 tomorrow at 9am! Producer Liz Casas and video journalist Justin Calderon visited with our very own Lytle Primary teacher, Megan Felty to feature her story and, Primary Kindness Video on their morning news program.

11-18-2021 Watch the Video: Lytle Pirate Mini Cheer Camp is a Huge Success!

Extracurricular isn't just extra fun. Often it means extra learning in the form of leadership skills, mentoring skills, positive culture or team building, and event organization skills. Please watch this video story created by Skull Studios students. It's a great example of powerful, widespread learning within our cheer program. READ MORE

10-28-2021 Lytle Primary and Elementary Enjoy Get Active Day at Edgewood Stadium!

This video is sure to make you smile! Thank you to our Lytle Special Education Director Robby Pierce and his entire staff for doing such a great job partnering with campuses as well as organizations and businesses in our community to create fabulous inclusive opportunities.

7-26-2021 Free School Supplies for all Lytle Students, PreK-12 grades

In case you don't follow district social media, I wanted to make sure all employees knew that our Lytle Leadership made the decision to buy school supplies for all Lytle ISD Students for the 2021-2022 school year.

6-24-2021 Watch the video! 2021 Graduate Visits Lytle ISD to Thank His Second Grade Teacher!

In April 2021, Graduating Senior Jordan Walker wrote an email to Lytle Primary Principal Jammie Fewell asking permission to see his second-grade teacher again. Jordan Walker knew Mrs. Naomi Schauer from his elementary school days.

Ascender Parent Portal - Student Registration Guide

To register a child for school, you must have add them into your ascender account. READ MORE

Ascender Parent Portal

Register Your Child for School - Create Parent Account. See your student's grades. READ MORE

Ascender Student Portal

Student can set up an account to access their grades and attendance details through Ascender Student Portal. READ MORE

Lytle ISD Student Handbook 2021-2022

Education is a team effort. Students, parents, teachers, and other staff members working together will make this a successful year. The Lytle ISD Student Handbook is a general reference guide that is divided into two sections: Section One: Parental Rights describes certain parental rights as specified in state or federal law.

Lytle ISD - Student Code of Conduct 2021-2022

The Student Code of Conduct (“Code”), as required by Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code, provides methods and options for managing student behavior, preventing and intervening in student discipline problems, and imposing discipline. READ MORE

Online Payment Portal

This payment portal allow parents and students to set up an account to pay a variety of school-related charges. READ MORE

Lytle ISD - Return to Learning Plan 2021-2022

Lytle ISD is committed to providing quality in-person instruction for all students for the 2021-2022 school year. As always, the health and safety of Lytle students and staff remains our highest priority.
