parent portal madera

by Prof. Chanelle Hagenes DVM 6 min read

How do I Register my child to Madera Unified School District?

For new students to Madera Unified, select the New Student Registration button. For students who are returning to MUSD, even if they have left for a period of time, select returning student. You will need your email address that was used to create your parent portal.

Who can use the Madera student account system?

This is currently available to students in grades 1-12. Use of this system is strictly limited to authorized account holders ONLY. Use of this system indicates that you have read and fully understand the terms, conditions, and responsibilities outlined in the Madera Unified Security & Privacy Policy.

How does parentsquare work with my school?

Madera Unified School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text, and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number.

What does it mean to use the Madera Unified Security system?

Use of this system is strictly limited to authorized account holders ONLY. Use of this system indicates that you have read and fully understand the terms, conditions, and responsibilities outlined in the Madera Unified Security & Privacy Policy.


How to add a student to Home Connection?

Log into the Home Connection account that has already been created. Click on the student's name in the upper right hand corner. Click on "Add Additional Student." Follow the process for adding a student to your account.

Can parents view Madera grades?

As part of our continuing efforts to provide information regarding your student's progress and status, Madera Unified parents/guardians will be able to view student information for their students from our school database using the Aeries Parent Portal. Through our secure server you will able to view your student's attendance and grade information. This is currently available to students in grades 7-12 only.

1. Home Screen

Once you launch the app, you will need to enter the school code Madeira1906, then your username and password for the Parent Portal. Select “Remember Me,” and after that, you won’t have to log on!

2. From the Main Dashboard, you can check the following

Summary: Shows your daughter’s school picture, her grade, and her advisor’s name (hyperlinked to email) and phone number (hyperlinked to call).


Madera Unified School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text, and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number.


El Distrito Escolar Unificado de Madera utiliza ParentSquare para la comunicación escolar, principalmente con correos electrónicos, textos y notificaciones por la aplicación. ParentSquare genera una cuenta para cada padre automáticamente, usando su dirección de correo electrónico y número de teléfono preferidos.

Esto es lo que usted puede hacer con ParentSquare

Recibir mensajes de parte de la escuela a través de correo electrónico, texto, o notificación por la aplicación
