parent portal manatee

by Jodie Rempel 5 min read

What is the Manatee County focus Parent Portal?

Welcome to the School District of Manatee County - Focus Parent Portal Registration. The Focus Parent Portal is a tool designed to enhance communication and involvement for you in your child's education.

Where can I find information about child care in Manatee County?

For parents looking for child care in Manatee County, the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County offers free, unbiased, personalized information on child care programs and providers in the area. Services include: A customized search for child care based on criteria you select such as location,...

Who can not have a Manatee County student ID number?

This option is ONLY for BRAND NEW students that NEVER BEFORE enrolled in a District of Manatee County School and DO NOT HAVE a Manatee County Student ID number (i.e. Students entering Kindergarten that DID NOT enroll with the ELC, transferring from private school or transferring from out of County/State).

What is the focus Parent Portal?

The FOCUS Parent Portal is a tool designed to enhance communication and involvement in your child's education while they are enrolled in a Manatee County public school. A FOCUS account will allow you to register your child for public school online and apply for School Choice during open enrollment session.


What is the Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County?

The Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County's Inclusion Specialist is able to connect families and providers with local resources and help ensure the child is in the least restrictive, and most appropriate environment. The Coalition makes available services to child care providers to enhance...

What is a VPK in Florida?

Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) Voluntary Prekindergarten (VPK) is a free program designed to prepare four-year-old children for kindergarten and build the foundation for their educational success. VPK is available to all four-year-olds born on or before September 1st that reside in Florida, regardless of family income.
