parent portal monticello

by Mr. Kevin Hickle DDS 7 min read

How do I contact the Monticello School Parent Portal?

Please contact: . Include your name and email address along with your student's name, and school attending .

What is the parent portal in Infinite Campus?

Parent Portal. What is Infinite Campus Parent Portal? The Parent Portal is a tool for parents and guardians to access timely student information: attendance, class schedules, assignments, report cards and more. The Parent Portal is also used as a communication tool for parents to receive important information from your school and school district.

What is the parent/guardian portal?

The Parent/Guardian Portal is a tool for parents and guardians to access timely student information: attendance, class schedules, assignments, report cards and more. The Parent/Guardian Portal is also used as a communication tool for parents and guardians to receive important information from your school and school district.

How do I set up communications in the parent/guardian portal?

Simply select the communications options you would like to receive when you set up your account in the Parent/Guardian Portal. Please contact: . Include your name and email address along with your student's name, and school attending .


What is a parent portal?

The “ Parent Portal ” gives middle school and high school parents and guardians access to certain information in the school’s student management system, SchoolTool. Parents/guardians are able to see progress reports and report cards, contact information, attendance and schedules. The parent portal allows parents to keep track of their child’s progress and we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity.

How long does it take to connect to the school in Monticello?

Once you have submitted your e-mail, you will receive an e-mail instructing you to go to the district website and click on the “ SchoolTool/Parent Portal ” link at the bottom of the page under “Connect.” It may take up to two business days to receive this email.

How to send a parent portal email?

In the email you send, type “parent portal access” in the subject line. In the body of the email, simply include your name and your student’s name as indicated on their student record and the school your student attends. If you have students in both the middle school and the high school, you may include them in the same email.

How to access student information in SchoolTool?

If you would like to have access to student information in SchoolTool, you need to send us a current, functioning email address which we will then add to our database. Once we enter the email addresses into our database, parents will be able to log in and go through the process of creating their passwords.

What is the parent portal for Monticello Academy?

Monticello Academy uses the Rediker ParentPlus Portal system to communicate some information with families about student progress. Through ParentPlus, parents can see up to date student grades, schedules, and view important school announcements. ParentPlus can be used through a standard browser or through ParentPlus mobile app for iPhone and Android.

Does Monticello Academy have parent plus?

Both ParentPlus and StudentPlus Mobile Apps are enabled for Monticello Academy, but we recommend students to use the standard browser to access their PlusPortals.

Who is the EPIC Director for Monticello Central School District?

For more information or to RSVP, please contact Jane Sorensen, EPIC Director for the Monticello Central School District, at 794-8830 or .

What is SchoolTool in Monticello?

SchoolTool is the district’s student management system for students in middle school and high school. The Parent Portal allows parents to access their child (ren)’s grades, attendance, schedule, and other data. Parent Portal activation is a ONE TIME event. Once you have a Parent Portal account it is active for the duration your child (ren) attends school in Monticello. Log in to Parent Portal.

What is EPIC Parent Center?

The EPIC Parent Center provides resources to parents and staff throughout the Monticello district during the school year. This includes parent workshops, open forums and family night activities. EPIC also provides information about the latest research available on a wide range of youth-related topics.

What is Parent Today?

Parent Today is a free resource, consisting of an e-newsletter and a website, to help parents coach and encourage their children through four chapters of their education – early learners, elementary, middle years and high school.

How often do you receive Parent Today newsletters?

Once you create your profile, you will begin receiving bimonthly newsletters and have access to the Parent Today website.

What time do you drop off your child in the early drop off program?

Parents of students enrolled in the early drop-off program may drop off their children at 7:30 a.m. during one hour delays, 8:30 a.m. during two hour delays and 9:30 a.m. during three hour delays.

What is SchoolMessenger?

SchoolMessenger is an automated parent notification system that provides the ability to generate telephone and/or email notifications to families. For instructions on how to sign up for SchoolMessenger, click here. Please contact your child’s school if you need to update contact information.
