will provide parents with access to a growing suite of online services, including information about a child's education and transactions such as applying for placement requests, paying for school meals and other non-meal purchases.
The North Colonie Central School District is ready to provide parents with access to the Infinite Campus Portal. The Campus Portal is a web based program that will provide parents and guardians access to their child’s attendance, schedules, NYS assessments, grading information and immunizations.
The Infinite Campus Family Portal offers families a deep understanding and knowledge of student progress through the Personalized Student Dashboard, which displays student assessment and testing data and also student: To see student information, parents or guardians need to have access to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal .
The Infinite Campus Family Portal offers families a deep understanding and knowledge of student progress through the Personalized Student Dashboard, which displays student assessment and testing data and also student:
This section offers explanation and examples of student information provided in the parent portal.