parent portal northport

by Jazlyn Yost 3 min read

League Age

In order to determine which program is appropriate for your child, you must first determine your child's League Age. We strictly follow Little League International's age chart to determine which division a player will be placed. To determine your child's league age please use the Little League Age Calculator.

Practices and Games

Tee Ball teams practice once per week for about an hour. Tee Ball teams are scheduled to play 8 games each season.


Uniform shirt, hat and socks will be provided by the league. Players are asked to provide their own glove, grey uniform pants and non medal baseball cleats for practices and games. Each team will be provided with team helmets, bats, tees and balls. Many players purchase their own bat & helmet but it is not required to play.

Field Locations

Practices and games are held on fields located throughout East Northport & Northport. For complete details about all of our field locations visit our Fields Home.
