parent portal norwood

by Ms. Amiya Bergnaum V 3 min read

How do I contact the Norwood parent support portal?

If you have any questions or problems accessing the portal, please send an email to: Different information is available depending on what school your child attends.

What kind of information does Norwood High School allow parents to view?

Norwood High School allows parents and students to: View Biographical (names, addresses, phone numbers). If there is incorrect information, you may correct it and click the Submit button below. NEW! Aspen Parent/Guardian Emergency Contact Updates and Annual Permissions

How do I register for Norwood High School athletics?

Registration for Norwood High School Athletics is completed in the Aspen Family Portal. BEFORE you start the workflow read the Athletics Handbook AND you and your child must take the NFHS Concussion Course (click for links). Athletics registration must be completed in Aspen by a parent/guardian, not a student.

How to contact Norwood New Jersey?

Norwood, NJ 07648 201-768-6363 Fax: 201-768-4916 Comments (-1) DEFINITION OF HARASSMENT, INTIMIDATION, BULLYING FROM NJSA: 18A:37-14:


Student Permissions Workflow

Students can sign off on the handbook and Chromebook agreement in the Aspen Portal.

Viewing Published Reports (Report Cards, Progress Reports, IEP Progress Reports) in Aspen Family Portal

To learn how to view Published Reports (report cards, progress reports, IEP progress reports) click the links below for a handout with steps or a video that walks you through the steps.

Athletics Registration in Aspen

Registration for Norwood High School Athletics is completed in the Aspen Family Portal.

Reading IEPs in Aspen

Parents of children with Active IEPs can read the IEP in Aspen. You can also save or print a copy of the IEP.

The Northwood University Parent Association

The Northwood University Family Program recognizes that students and the University succeed when families are engaged in the life of the University.

Important Links and Numbers

For other helpful links, please refer to the navigation menus at the top and bottom of the website.


At Norwood Creek Elementary, we take great pride in the education that we offer our students. We set high expectations for every child and provide the support and enrichment each child needs to reach those expectations. We present a rich curriculum that educates the whole child.


Our Parent Hub provides quick access to resources, news, events, and general information that Norwood Creek parents need daily. Parents can access this page directly at

Evergreen School District News

In case you missed it, ESD was in the news for NBC Bay Area News. Mr. Steve Betando, Interim Superintendent⁩, expressed his views as Governor Newsom unveils his “Endemic” plan and showed the huge drop in ESD's COVID-19 cases. Watch news clip.

ESD Wellness Spotlight

February is National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (TDVAM). We can help prevent teen dating violence (TDV).
