parent portal okaloosa

by Prof. Morton Crona 6 min read

What is the Okaloosa County focus Parent Portal registration?

Welcome to the Okaloosa County School District - Focus Parent Portal Registration. The Focus Parent Portal is a tool designed to enhance communication and involvement for you in your child's education.

How do I contact the Okaloosa County School District Superintendent?

Marcus Chambers, Okaloosa County School District Superintendent of Schools, can be reached at 850.689.7185, by email at, or by contacting Amber Floyd, at

What is the abuse hotline for Okaloosa County School District?

Abuse Hotline 1.800.962.2873 Okaloosa County School District Copyright © 2011 - All Rights Reserved - Okaloosa County School District - Privacy Statement  E-mail Disclaimer: Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records.

What is the Okaloosa County school board doing to modernize data?

The Okaloosa County School Board is excited to modernize our Student, Finance, and Human Resources data infrastructure. This migration will take critical student learning information and put it in the hands of our teachers and administrators literally at their fingertips.


Superintendent of Schools

Marcus Chambers, Okaloosa County School District Superintendent of Schools, can be reached at 850.689.7185, by email at, or by contacting Amber Floyd, at

Latest News & Announcements

The next Sales Surtax Citizens’ Oversight Committee meeting is scheduled for December 15, 2021, at 4:00 p.m., in the Training Room at the School District Central Complex in Niceville.


At the Okaloosa STEMM Academy, grades are earned through the effort and ability of the student. The administration and teachers have high expectations for student achievement. Accordingly, we encourage students to work to their full academic potential, and we urge parents to place a high priority on the academic well-being of their child.

Report Cards and Progress Reports

All report cards and mid-quarter progress reports are now being made available electronically. You may view your student's current report card on Parent Portal. The link to the report card will be under Options on the left side of the page.

High School Credit

Currently, OSA students take Earth/Space Science Honors (6th grade), Algebra I Honors (7th grade), Physical Science Honors (8th grade) and Geometry Honors (8th grade) for high school credit. Students will be held to all of the high school course requirements to receive high school credit.

Grade Forgiveness of High School Credit by Middle School Students

High school level coursestaken below grade 9 may be used to satisfy high school graduation requirements and Bright Futures award requirements. Middle school students who have taken high school courses may receive grade forgiveness if they have earned a grade of C, D or F or the numerical equivalent of C, D or F.

End of Course (EOC) Exams

Students enrolled in Algebra I Honors and Geometry Honors must take the State EOC. The assessment constitutes 30% of the student’s final grade.
