parent portal pittsburg isd

by Tyrese Oberbrunner 9 min read

Where can I find Pittsburg ISD policies about the child nutrition program?

The policies concerning the Child Nutrition Program can be found on the Pittsburg ISD website in the Pittsburg ISD Wellness Policy by clicking on the District tab and selecting the Child Nutrition link. The supply chain is broken! Menus are subject to change with little or no notice.

What is the Seamless Summer option at Pittsburg ISD?

The Child Nutrition Program at Pittsburg ISD is pleased to inform you that we will participate in the Seamless Summer Option (SSO) for the school year 2021 - 2022. Underneath the SSO, all children in PISD will once again receive free breakfasts and lunches.

Which Pittsburg High School students made the THSCA Academic All-State team?

The High School band students brought home . . . Congratulations to Pittsburg High School students Adrilanie Gutierrez, Natalie Styles and Sanaa Hollins for being selected to the THSCA Girls Basketball Academic All-State team. Adrilanie - 2nd . . .


Where to send USDA form?

Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email:

Is Pittsburg ISD still serving breakfast?

Pittsburg ISD will continue to operate the Community Eligibility Program (CEP) under the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program for the 2020-2021 school year. Schools qualifying to operate CEP serve breakfast and lunch to all children at no charge. This reduces burdens on families and school administrators and helps ensure that students receive nutritious meals.
