parent portal pnbhs

by Roxanne Bogan 10 min read

Why choose Palmerston North Boys'High School?

Palmerston North Boys' High School – Palmerston North Boys' High School is a traditional single sex school, catering for the all round educational needs of young men aged 13-18 years.

Why pnbhs?

We offer our international students a comprehensive and encompassing education in a safe and friendly environment. Why PNBHS? International students will enjoy a safe, quiet and inexpensive city with smaller classes and individualised attention.

Who is the new teacher at pnbhs?

McAllen has proven to be hard-working and always keen to do her very best to help the young men in her classes. She has supported our co-curricular programme through her involvement with Water Polo. We wish Ms. McAllen all the best for her teaching career. Mr. Xavier Mason joined the PNBHS staff in January 2020 as a Teacher Aide.


When was Palmerston North High School founded?

Palmerston North Boys’ High School Enrolment Scheme Zoning. Since being founded in 1902, Palmerston North Boys’ High School has catered for a diverse range of students because they come from a wide cross-section of families, and are selected without regard to social, economic or cultural factors. Palmerston North Boys’ High School wishes ...

What is the priority order for enrolment?

Applications for enrolment will be processed in the following order of priority: First Priority. This priority category is not applicable at this school because the school does not run a special programme approved by the Secretary for Education. Second Priority.

Where is the home zone in Palmerston North?

The description of the Home Zone begins on the corner of Botanical Road and Featherston Street. All homes within the following described area form Palmerston North Boys’ High School Home Zone. From the corner of Botanical Road and Featherston Street the Home Zone includes all houses on the northern side of the street or left hand side ...
