parent portal radford

by Janick Bernier 3 min read

What is the Radford Parent-Teacher Organization?

Parents of Radford students are encouraged to participate in their children’s education through the Radford Parent-Teacher Organization (RPTO) and various volunteer opportunities. Parent involvement has proven to increase the odds for student success.

What can I do in the parent portal?

The Parent Portal offers real-time access to student grades and attendance. Parents can easily communicate with teachers and request information regarding grades and attendance. Information can be sent via email on a regular basis. 2. How do I access the Parent Portal?

Does the Parent Portal include a report card?

Yes, the Parent Portal is not intended to take place of report cards. 7. What does M1, M2, M3, E1, and S1 stand for? 8. How often will information be updated?


What is the most effective intervention for parents?

When, and if this happens, it is important to remember that one of the most effective tools you have is your ability to listen carefully to what they are saying. Non-judgmental listening is one of the most important interventions a parent can make.

What age do you have to be to get a FERPA?

FERPA gives parents certain rights with respect to their children's education records. These rights transfer to the student when he or she reaches the age of 18 or attends a school beyond the high school level. Students to whom the rights have transferred are "eligible students.".

What are the challenges of college for parents?

There are numerous concerns that parents have when they send their daughter or son off to college. Most students entering college for the first time are faced with several important developmental challenges separate from those posed by their academic coursework. Some of these challenges include: learning to live with others, making decisions regarding self-regulation (e.g. eating, sleeping, studying, whether or not to drink, etc.), and making some beginning decisions about what they are going to do for the rest of their life (selecting a major or career option). Below are some useful tips to consider when your child leaves for college.

Is it unusual to receive a late night phone call from a college student in a state of panic?

While your student is going through changes at school, it can be difficult for them to accept changes in their home life. Don't be alarmed when they panic. It is not unusual to receive a late night phone call from a college student in a state of panic.

Does Radford University have a drug policy?

Radford University has strict policies about underage consumption of alcohol and drug use on campus. Although this information is made available to all students, many knowingly violate this policy. Students must honor all campus policies that uphold state and federal laws.

2021-2026 Division and School Comprehensive Plan Public Review

RCPS shall adopt a division-wide and three school-wide comprehensive plans (elementary, middle and high school) based on data collection and an analysis of the data in an effort to improve classroom instruction and student achievement. These documents will be available for public inspection until Friday, January 28, 2022.

Welcome to the 2021-2022 School Year

Please refer to the following documents for important information regarding the 2021-2022 school year.

Welcome to our Updated Patient Portal

The navigation for this new portal is different and we have prepared this section to help you with any difficulties you may experience in the transition. In order to authenticate each parent/guardian with each child in a safe and secure way, you will be provided a secure PIN for each unique child which will come under separate emails.


To register a patient for the new portal, you will need the patient PIN number provided by the office via your Welcome Email. Parents will register themselves for the portal and then use the patient PIN provided to them to add each child to their account.


At this time, we are registering patients who are already scheduled for an appointment. Siblings may or may not receive an email at the same time. (As you can imagine - we have alot of families and children to register! We are trying to prioritize those who are scheduled first).
