parent portal rangitikei

by Dr. Magnus Goyette Sr. 9 min read

What is the history of Rangitikei College?

Rangitikei College was created to consolidate the various high schools in the Rangitikei District. Over the years, there has been many changes with the buildings with many having been refurbished and demolished depending on the needs. Since the inception of the school, there have been 8 Principals who have guided the school.

What is erangitikei College?

Rangitikei College was created to consolidate the various high schools in the Rangitikei District. Over the years, there has been many changes with the buildings with many having been refurbished and demolished depending on the needs.

Is the parent portal open at accompsett?

The Parent Portal is now open for all Middle Schools and High Schools. Accompsett Middle School presented Disney’s “The Lion King Jr.” from April 1-2. The cast of sixth-, seventh- and eighth-graders spent many months rehearsing lines, choreography and vocal harmonies (both in English and Swahili). ...

What information can I find in the parent portal?

Birth dateof each child Student ID (5 digit code) of each child (if known) The Parent Portal is an exciting opportunity for parents to become more involved in their child’s education through the convenience of the Internet. You have access to:



Our wonderful school was established in 1958 by founding Principal, Mr E.P. Blampied. Rangitikei College was created to consolidate the various high schools in the Rangitikei District. Over the years, there has been many changes with the buildings with many having been refurbished and demolished depending on the needs.

School Crest

Ever wondered "where does the school crest come from and what does it represent?" We need to roll back the clock to 1958... In that year, parents and pupils had been invited to submit designs for a crest, and the staff and pupils, by an overwhelming majority, voted to adopt the one submitted by Gary Holford of Form 6U.

Enhance Engagement with Schools

Providing a link between parents and schools to allow parents to take a more informed view of their children's progress at school.

Communication Direct to Parents

Replaces the traditional school bag run and paper processes with direct digital communications via a single sign on approach.

Provides Convenience

Enabling parents to access information, update details and transact at a time that suits them.

Making things easier will provide parents with access to a growing suite of online services, including information about a child's education and transactions such as applying for placement requests, paying for school meals and other non-meal purchases.
