parent portal royal oak schools

by Willow Lang 8 min read

When does registration open for the Royal Oak schools swim program?

Instructional Swim Program Royal Oak Schools Instructional Swim Program registration is open on Wednesday, February 2 from 5-6:30 PM at Royal Oak High School inside the pool entrance. Click here for more information. More... Kindergarten Enrollment Kindergarten enrollment for the school year 2022-2023 will begin on January 27.

What is a Royal Oak senior gold card?

Senior Gold Cards Royal Oak Schools celebrates its senior citizens by offering a "Gold Card" to all district residents who are 60 years of age or older.

When is the Royal Oak unified basketball game at LCA?

Tickets On Sale Now Come support the Royal Oak Unified Basketball Team playing at Little Caesars Arena on February 5th at 2:30 PM. Ticket includes access to the Pistons game on February 4th against the Boston Celtics at 7 PM.



Black History Month Resources Here are some tools to help guide conversations on race, as well as activities to celebrate the month. Black History Month Resources


We have compiled a list of mental and emotional health resources for your family here.
