parent portal ruhs

by Ms. Marcella Schaden 10 min read

How do I get Parent Portal help at RUHS?

If you need Parent Portal Help at RUHS, please contact Patty Ulrich, Administrative Assistant, at, or call 310-798-8665, ext. 4011.

What can I do with my Parent Portal account?

With your account, you will be able to update your student (s) contact information, access your student’s schedule, grades (middle and high school only) and, attendance. If you need Parent Portal Help at RUHS, please contact Patty Ulrich, Administrative Assistant, at, or call 310-798-8665, ext. 4011.

What is Ruhs Riverside County?

RUHS is building a robust and sustainable organization to meet the health care needs of Riverside County’s current 2.3 million residents and the demands of a population that is projected to double over the next 30 years. Make a difference in the lives of the people of Riverside.

What does Ruhs stand for?

Riverside University Health System (RUHS) has been the foundation of quality health care, community wellness and medical education in Riverside County, since the Board of Supervisors opened the County’s first public hospital nearly 125 years ago.


Food Access

Food access is available to residents with just the click of a button. Find a food pantry, senior meals, or school meals near you during this crisis using this interactive map.

Take My Hand Peer Support Chat

Part of our Behavioral Health spectrum of care, the Take my Hand app is a county resource peer support chat line.

Delivered Prescriptions

We are happy to mail your prescriptions to you at no charge, for more information contact your local RUHS retail pharmacy.


Our Same Day Care location offers COVID-19 tests and medical care on a walk-in basis.

How to contact Redondo Union High School?

Parents, if your student is absent, please contact the Attendance Office at (310) 798-8665 x4018 or 4027 on the day of the absence. You may also use the Absence Reporting Form from our website.

Is Ruhs a zero tolerance school?

Think Before You Speak (or Post) RUHS has a zero tolerance policy for bullying. Bullying can occur in person, in writing, and online. Bullying may include slurs, jokes, threats, displays of bigotry, hate speech, etc. Any interaction that makes a student feel targeted and/or unsafe will be viewed as bullying.

Can students with unexcused absences be enrolled in extracurricular activities?

Students with unexcused absences or 4 or more tardies to class may not be eligible to participate in extracurricular activities. Additionally, excessive truancies or absences will be referred to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).
