parent portal saddle brook

by Horace Conn 10 min read

How do I contact Saddle Brook Middle School?

Saddle Brook Middle/High School. 355 Mayhill Street. 201-843-2880. Fax: 201-843-4305. Principal: Mr. James Sarto. Secretary: Mrs. Evelyn Young.

How to contact Saddle Brook Senior Living Center?

Address 355 Mayhill Street, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 Phone P 201-843-1142 Fax F 201-843-0216 facebooktwitteryoutubeinstagrampinterestlinked inflickrvimeo

What is the SVUSD family portal?

Family Portal. The SVUSD Family Portal is a secure and private online resource that provides access to your child's emergency contact list, grades (from participating teachers), report cards, and test scores. You will need the following information to complete your account creation: Student's permanent six-digit ID number

How do I contact the Saddle Brook Copyright Office?

Address 355 Mayhill Street, Saddle Brook, NJ 07663 Phone P 201-843-1142 Fax F 201-843-0216 facebooktwitteryoutubeinstagrampinterestlinked inflickrvimeo Site MapBack to Top Site MapBack to Top You can add a copyright statement or legal disclaimer in this area if necessary. Questions or Feedback?|


Our Programs

We follow the same COVID-19 protocols in place at your school district.

Meet Your Area Manager

Hi, I’m Robyn Knapp your friendly Area Manager. I’ve been serving the Ridgewood and Saddle Brook communities for Alpha Best for almost 1 year but I’ve been providing quality programs throughout Bergen County for the past 25 years.

Training, Tips & Tools To Help You Win

When you need a quick tip or simple reminder in your journey as mom or dad.

Extra Help

Find yourself with some deeper needs on your parenting journey, we can help! Counseling, support groups and help for those who have unique needs is just a click away.

Upcoming Events

A list of happenings for parents at Saddleback Church that you may want to be aware of.

The Vault

A collection of miscellaneous parenting resources that we REALLY like but didn’t know where they fit on the website.
