parent portal smbsd

by Kaelyn Wehner 3 min read

What is SB130 in school?

In addition to the call for a return to in-person instruction, SB130 allows for participation in independent study if a student’s health would be put at risk by a return to in-person instruction, as determined by the parent. This independent study requirement is in place for the 2021-2022 school year only, and must be initiated by ...

When is the first day of school 2021?

The first day of the next school year for students is Thursday, August 12, 2021. Put it on your calendar. Please pay attention to any phone calls, texts, emails or Parent Square messages from the schools and the district over the summer. That's how we will share important information with you before school starts again.

What is SB130 in school?

In addition to the call for a return to in-person instruction, SB130 allows for participation in independent study if a student’s health would be put at risk by a return to in-person instruction, as determined by the parent. This independent study requirement is in place for the 2021-2022 school year only, and must be initiated by ...

When is the first day of school 2021?

The first day of the next school year for students is Thursday, August 12, 2021. Put it on your calendar. Please pay attention to any phone calls, texts, emails or Parent Square messages from the schools and the district over the summer. That's how we will share important information with you before school starts again.


I'd like to welcome you to Miller School website. Parents will find valuable information about our academic achievement, professional staff, curricular programs, instructional materials, safety procedures, classroom environment, and condition of facilities.

Miller News

Parent Guide to Understanding (PDF) – This guide provide parents with answers to key questions about the what, why, who, how, and when. They are available for each assessment program
