parent portal somers

by Raul Lowe 3 min read

Why choose Somers Public Schools?

The Somers Public Schools strives to be an exceptional and innovative educational community. The mission of the Somers Public Schools is to prepare each student to contribute and succeed in an ever-changing global society. Substitute Job Opportunities!

Is placement and scheduling information available on the parent portal?

Please Note: All placement and scheduling information will only be made available through the Parent Portal. Placement and scheduling information will no longer be available on our website. You will need a Parent Portal username and password to access the Parent Portal.

How do I create a Parent Portal account?

You will need a Parent Portal username and password to access the Parent Portal. If you have been assigned a Campus Portal Activation Key, click here to create your new Parent Portal account. If you do not have an Activation Key, please email us at


About This Group

Moms AND Dads from Somers, NY are welcome to come together, share ideas, help each other! If you live in Somers and have kids, you are welcome …

Group rules from the admins

Posts must be respectful of each other and be positive/constructive in nature... the kind of behavior Somers Parents should role model for our children.
