parent portal st anthony's

by Loren Yost 7 min read

What is the parent portal and how do I login?

Each parent is issued with an individual login name and password for the Parent Portal. The Parent Portal allows you to: view your child's timetable and the school calendar view up-to-date attendance information for your child

What is the compass Parent Portal?

St Anthony's Catholic College uses the Compass School Manager software and an important component of this software is the Compass Parent Portal. Each parent is issued with an individual login name and password for the Parent Portal.

How many hours do you have to volunteer for St Anthony's?

Each family must complete 30 hours of volunteer service for St. Anthony’s per academic school year. St. Anthony’s accepts time, talent, and treasure. Every family is able to give in a special way and we appreciate every minute, thought, and penny that you contribute. Thank you in advance.

How do I submit a portal support request?

When submitting a Portal Support Request form, follow the directions and be sure to include both the STUDENT’S Information AND the Parent/Guardian information. Only listed Parent/Guardians or active SAHS students can make Portal Support requests. Any requests made from a non-listed email address for parent/guardian will be denied.


Important Links

You can access your child's grades and personal information via the St. Anthony School Rediker Parent Portal. You will be required to log in using the credentials provided to you. If you need your credentials please contact the main office.

Parking Lot Procedures

Please follow the morning parking lot procedure described below. Please review these instructions and share this information with family members or friends who drop off or pick your child up from school. It is critical that everyone who shares transportation responsibilities understands and follows the established procedures.

Parent Participation

Parent participation is one of the cornerstones of St. Anthony’s success. Each family must complete 30 hours of volunteer service for St. Anthony’s per academic school year. St. Anthony’s accepts time, talent, and treasure. Every family is able to give in a special way and we appreciate every minute, thought, and penny that you contribute.


FACTS SIS is an integrated portal that allows parents and students to manage their tuition accounts, view grades and the school calendar, and communicate with teachers and other St. Anthony’s families.

Safe & Sacred

Safe & Sacred Environment Training Program for the Catholic Diocese provides adult training courses that are deigned to educate all volunteers and employees in the recognition and prevention of child abuse. The program also educates students on personal safety and identifying trusted adults.


Scrip is fundraising while you shop. Participating stores offer a rebate percentage back to St. Anthony’s School. Families earn 50% of their yearly rebate to use as they choose in one of four ways: tuition credit, cash back, donation to the school, or assistance for another SAS family. Register at and start earning today!
