parent portal staar results

by Mrs. Malvina Kling 6 min read

All STAAR results from the spring 2019 administrations will be released to parents using the Texas Education Agency Student Data Online Portal. Parents can view their student's STAAR scores in the online portal by either accessing the code through the Student Portal Look Up.

Full Answer

How do I view my child's STAAR assessment results?

To log in and view your child's assessment results, enter the six-character Unique Access Code and the date of birth that appears on their most recent STAAR Report Card. The code must be entered exactly as it appears. Don't Have a Unique Access Code?

What are the STAAR test results for 2022?

AUSTIN, Texas – July 1, 2022 - Today, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) released spring 2022 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®) results for Grades 3-8. The results include exams in mathematics and reading for grades 3–8, 5th and 8th grade science, and 8th grade social studies.

What if I don't have my child's STAAR report card?

If you don't have a Unique Access Code or a copy of your child's STAAR Report Card, please contact your local school. Learn more about state assessments and find resources for your child.

When will the grades 3 to 8 Staar and EOC results be released?

Results for the Grades 3 to 8 STAAR tests given in May will be released on Friday, June 24. Results for the EOC tests given in April and May will be released on Thursday, June 16.


How do I check my 2021 STAAR score?

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test results for the 2021-22 school year will soon be available to view online in the State of Texas Student Assessment Portal, which can be found at

How do I find my STAAR test results?

How to Access STAAR ScoresGo to on "Log In To Student Portal"Choose "Lookup Access Code"Type in Student's: First Name. PEIMS ID (Your child's Social Security #) Date of Birth. Click "Go"Student's access code will appear in the box.

How can parents see STAAR scores?

STAAR scores will be available online for parents to view starting June 12th. Results will be mailed home when the school receives them. If you have your student's access code, enter the code and your child's birth date, then click “log in to student portal” to view scores.

How do I get my STAAR test results online?

Steps to Access Your Child's.STAAR Scores.You can access your child's STAAR test results in the Student Portal on the Texas Assessment Management System website.Go to ... DO NOT have your access code, click on “Lookup Access Code” in the middle of that screen.More items...

How do I check my student portal?

0:052:21Student Portal - YouTubeYouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clipThe University student portal is your central. Information hub it gives personalized access to allMoreThe University student portal is your central. Information hub it gives personalized access to all relevant.

How do I check my STAAR Scores 2022?

The State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) test results for the 2021-2022 school year will soon be available to view online in the State of Texas Student Assessment Portal, which can be found at Texas Assessment.

How do you know if your child passed the STAAR test?

The STAAR Progress Measure is reported on your child's STAAR Report Card and can be accessed through the Texas assessment student data portal. Your child will receive one progress measure for each applicable test. The performance levels give you information about how well your child performed on the test this year.

How do I know if my student passed the STAAR test?

Parents can watch a video about the results, as well as get the results, from Frenship Independent School District listed a series of steps to follow to get the report on test results for your student from that website.

What is a good score on the STAAR test?

33 or aboveBased on the June 2020 STAAR Algebra 1 exam, anything 33 or above in raw score would be a good STAAR score.

What happens if you fail STAAR test 2022?

What happens if a student fails STAAR? Schools must offer accelerated instruction to students who don't pass the STAAR or end-of-course exams. The additional help could include assigning a student to an experienced teacher's classroom or delivering extra tutoring during the next school year or in the summer.

What grades do STAAR testing in Texas?

Students in grades 3-8 and high school take the STAAR exam. STAAR stands for the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness. In all grades, the assessments are designed to test students on the state standards that are required to be taught in public school.

How do I check my STAAR score on skyward?

Click on the TEST SCORES tab on the left. All scores from previous years in ROISD should be visible. Click on SHOW SCORES to see scores for a particular test.