parent portal tsd

by Roy Gaylord 3 min read

How do I contact the TSD Parent Portal?

If you have not received an automated email with your NEW parent portal account login credentials or need further assistance , email at Please include your name, your student's name and school name.

What is the Thompson School District’s campus portal?

The Thompson School District is pleased to provide the “Campus Portal” to parents and guardians of elementary students. What is the Campus Portal? Portal provides real-time access to your student’s pertinent school information, such as school announcements and student attendance.

What is the parent portal?

Parent Portal is an online resource that allows parents to access up-to-date information on their students’ academic progress as well as to update changes to student/parent information. 1. Keep Track of Academic Progress

How do I contact Thompson School District Infinite Campus support?

For assistance with your Campus Portal Account, contact Thompson School District Infinite Campus Support via phone at (970) 613-5102 or via email at What if I already have a Portal account? Parent/Guardians of secondary students may already have a portal account.


How to reset Aeries password?

To reset your Aeries Parent Portal password, click forgot password on the login page: Then type in your email address and press next. An email will be sent to you to reset your password.

How to access Parentsquare?

You can access through a mobile device through the Aeries App or ParentSquare App or using your computer using the Parent Portal by clicking “Aeries Communications” or using the ParentSquare website if you setup an account from the invitation email.

What is Tustin USD?

Tustin USD continues to use Aeries Communications as its primary platform to communicate to families. This system will transition to a new look with new features starting on April 30th, 2021. The new looking system will now be under the developer of “ParentSquare”. This system will still allow phone calls, emails, texting, app notifications but also have new integrated features like Survey’s, RSVP signups, and E-signature collection.

How many modality options does Parentsquare have?

With providing your phone and or email, you can further choose how you want to be notified in those areas. ParentSquare allows you to set each modality as 1 of 3 options: Instant/Digest/Off.

Can a parent's account update if a child moves?

If your child recently moved from one building to another during the school year, the parent account may not update as quickly as the child's account. Please contact your school's Technology Chairperson or email

Can you call TSD on PowerSchool?

Click here for instructions on how to clear cache from your browser. TSD cannot accept telephone calls due to the volume of requests .
