parent portal union

by Miss Helena Bruen V 7 min read

How do I access the Union School District parent portals?

Union School District is offering a mobile app to access the Parent Portals for viewing of student grades and attendance. If you do not have a Parent Portal Account, please create the account first. ( Click here for the instructiuons) If you need help creating your account, please contact Bryan Eaton at the high school.

How do I login to the parent portal?

(This can be found when you login to the parent portal using a web browser.) Enter the same password you use to login to the Parent Portal. Enter the District ID: USD (This can also be found when you login to the parent portal using a web browser.)\ Tap the Login button.

What if I do not have a Parent Portal account?

If you do not have a Parent Portal Account, please create the account first. ( Click here for the instructiuons) If you need help creating your account, please contact Bryan Eaton at the high school. Once you have the account created, you can proceed with the following steps.


Grades OnLine - Infinite Campus

Make this the year that you utilize the district's parent portal Infinite Campus. This is a great place to follow your child's progress in school with access to assignments, grades, and much more.

District Announcement

View Union’s ‘ Safe Return & Continuity of Services Plan ’ to see the district’s plans for keeping school open during the pandemic. More details here.

What is the mission of Union Endicott School?

The mission of the Union-Endicott School community is to develop students who are responsible, self-directed, involved, lifelong learners. The students, staff, parents, and community encourage learners to develop a deeper understanding of self, a respect for others and an understanding of their place in the world community.

When is kindergarten registration 2021?

Kindergarten Registration for the 2021-2022 school year has begun. Your child/children must be five years old by December 1, 2021, to be registered for Kindergarten. Endicott Police Department survey. The EPD has put together a survey to gather input from the community. Click here to take the survey.

Has Rock on Cafe extended free meals?

The USDA has extended free meals through June 2021. Rock On Cafe has an app that parents can use to access menus. The NYSED Parent Dashboard for each school is now available on each building webpage. BOCES Food Services announced that the USDA has extended free meals for students for the remainder of the school year.
