parent portal usd 373

by Harry Bahringer 5 min read

How do I apply for a job at USD 373?

Updates... Interested in a career at USD 373? To apply for a position, please complete an application using our online portal. More information about the application process is available on our employment page. Providing a safe, secure learning environment for students is one of our highest priorities.

What is the Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

One of the features of Infinite Campus is the parent portal. Using a school-issued activation code, legal parents/guardians can access attendance, grades, and schedule information on a daily basis. Each student has access to their own personal portal.

How do I access the parent portal?

The parent portal can be accessed from the top-right corner of any district/school website.


What time does the bell ring in school?

Our School. First bell will ring at 7:55- tardy bell will ring at 8:00 and ALL doors will be locked at 8:00 -including the front doors. If your student arrives after 8:00 they will need to ring the doorbell to be let in the front door.

Do you have to ring the doorbell to pick up a student?

Picking up a student (for any reason) Doors will be locked. Parents will need to either ring the doorbell or call the school when they arrive, a staff member will walk the student out, a parent will sign the sign out sheet.

Do students need to wear masks?

Masks. Students will be required to wear masks at all times unless a doctors note is provided. Classrooms will have a “mask break” area where students will be allowed to go if they just need a break. Parents are encouraged to bring spare masks to be kept at the school with the teacher. Recess.

Parent Portal

Para acceder al portal para padres en español, siga el mismo enlace y cambie el idioma a español en la parte inferior de la página web.

Canvas for Parents

The number one K-12 social learning network in the world, where over 44 million teachers, students, and parents are connecting to collaborate on assignments, discover new resources, and more!
