parent portal ware

by Jeremie Cronin III 6 min read

Preparing kids for school and life

Star Ratings help you identify programs using research-based practices that prepare children for school and life.

There's more to learn

The cost of care is a deciding factor when choosing a program for your child.

When is Ware County School System early release?

The Ware County School System will observe Early Release on Friday, November 19, 2021, as scheduled on the 2021-2022 system calendar. PLEASE NOTE THE REVISED TIMES BELOW:Both middle schools and...

When will Ware County schools open?

The Ware County School System is pleased to release its Opening Plan for the 2021-2022 School Year. The document provides details on the safety measures we will take and describes the face-to-face...

When is the Ware County Board of Education meeting 2021?

The Ware County Board of Education Work Session will be held Monday, October 25, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. The regular business Board Meeti ... view image
