Join us virtually on Tuesday, February 15, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m for the Strengthening Community Symposium. A free, virtual event featuring a moderated conversation with Dr. Bernice King.
Can you believe that the first month of the new year is already behind us? With the end of the second marking period, we can look back on all of the milestones we’ve already passed and look forward to a month dedicated to celebrating love, recognizing Black history, thanking school counselors and much more.
Colorful rocks with inspirational messages created by WC Cyber Program students.
We had a great turnout at the K-5 Welcome Back Gathering! It was so great to see the students making new friends...even some of our parents/guardians made some new friends too! We look forward to more community events, as well as class events throughout the school year to continue to develop our community.
EXE students made holiday and thinking of you cards for seniors and residents of The Phoenix Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing in Phoenixville.
Well, here we are, the start of a new year. Was it a difficult year, yes indeed! We all experienced something or things we truly did not expect that may have affected us in ways we never expected. While it is human nature to dwell on the negative, I'm sure there was something or things we experienced to be thankful and grateful for.