parent portal webster groves

by Ova Runte 6 min read

What is the Infinite Campus parent/student portal?

Webster CSD’s Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal remains parents’ go-to spot for information regarding their student(s). The district uses this secure, password protected, web-based program to send important emails, phone calls, and texts throughout the year.

How do I contact the principal of Webster Thomas School?

900 Publishers Parkway Webster, NY 14580 Main Office: (585) 670-1030 Brian Powers, Principal Webster Schroeder HS 875 Ridge Road Webster, NY 14580 Main Office: (585) 670-5000 Paul Benz, Principal Webster Thomas HS 800 Five Mile Line Road Webster, NY 14580 Main Office: (585) 670-8000 Glenn Widor, Principal Universal Pre-K (585) 216-0024

How do I contact the Webster Schroeder School office?

900 Publishers Parkway Webster, NY 14580 Main Office: (585) 670-1030 Brian Powers, Principal Webster Schroeder HS 875 Ridge Road Webster, NY 14580

What is the main office number for Webster Elementary School?

715 Plank Road Webster, NY 14580 Main Office: (585) 671-3190 Attendance: (585) 670-4062 Jennifer Sullivan, Principal Schlegel Road Elementary 1548 Schlegel Road Webster, NY 14580 Main Office: (585) 265-2500 Attendance: (585) 265-2513 Francine Leggett, Principal State Road Elementary 1401 State Road Webster, NY 14580


What is Webster CSD's parent portal?

Webster CSD’s Infinite Campus Parent/Student Portal remains parents’ go-to spot for information regarding their student(s). The district uses this secure, password protected, web-based program to send important emails, phone calls, and texts throughout the year.

How to download Campus Parent app?

To download Campus Parent mobile app, visit the App Store or Google Play and search Campus Parent or click on the direct link below.

What is infinite campus?

Infinite Campus is a web-based system so educators, parents and students have access to posted information anywhere at any time. Parents will have access to view student attendance, student grades, bus schedules, student schedules, report cards, and testing results (New York State testing).

Can parents download the portal app?

Parents and students can download the portal app to their electronic devices to make monitoring the portal more convenient.
