T A student, ages 6 to 17 years, is considered truant when the child has three (3) consecutive unlawful absences or a total of five (5) unlawful absences. The term “unlawful absence” shall refer to any absence without a written excuse, or any parent note after the five (5) per semester allowed.
This procedure allows us to track any viruses or illnesses that may affect other students. The school nurse will contact the parent/guardian of the student. * All medication must be brought to the Health room by a parent.
A written excuse for a student’s absence must be turned in within two (2) days of the student’s return to school . An excuse should include the reason for and the date of the absence. If a student does not have an excuse, the absence (s) will be coded as either unverified or unexcused.
School Absence Policy#N#Greenville County Schools follow SC state law regarding school attendance. #N#Parents have a legal responsibility to send their children to school.#N#Students are counted present only when they are actually in school, on homebound instruction, or are present at an activity authorized by the school principal.
Wade Hampton High School is a 9th through 12th grade high school located just outside of the City of Greenville, South Carolina on Pine Knoll Drive off the well known Wade Hampton Blvd.
Students should never have medication of any kind in their possession. * Medication should be in the original container. * Parent forms must be filled out and signed for all medication. * A physician authorization form must be filled out for all prescription medications, as well as parent consent.
Students who leave school early must do so through office or health room. Leaving school without an early dismissal yellow slip will be considered an unaut horized school exit. No early dismissals are issued during any testing time. Parents must come into school to sign-out a student for an unplanned early dismissal.