parent portal wsfcs

by Nickolas Tromp 5 min read

What is the PowerSchool SIS Parent Portal?

The PowerSchool SIS (Student Information System) Parent Portal is an online resource that gives parents/guardians access to your child (ren's) homework assignments, grades, and more. Updated: Requesting a new PowerSchool SIS Parent/Guardian account request process due to COVID-19.

How do I log in to Parent Portal?

Click here to access Parent Portal. If you need log in information for Parent Portal, call Mount Tabor's main office (336-703-6700) and ask to speak to our PowerSchool Data Manager, Anita Wade. You can also email her at For the user's guide to Parent Portal provided by WS/FCS, click here .

How do I contact Awade at WS FCS?

You can also email her at For the user's guide to Parent Portal provided by WS/FCS, click here . Parents can check student attendance and grades online through a program called Parent Portal. As a result, progress reports will not be emailed home, although students may receive hard copies throughout the year.

How do I set up a parent/guardian account?

Parents and guardians are required to complete the electronic request for Parent/Guardian accounts using the online form for each school their child (ren) attend in the district to be able to set up accounts. Please click on the Clipboard icon to the right to begin the Parent Portal Account Request process for your child (ren's) school (s).


How do parents check grades?

Important information about checking grades: Parents can check student attendance and grade s online through a program called Parent Portal. As a result, progress reports will not be emailed home, although students may receive hard copies throughout the year.

How to contact Mount Tabor PowerSchool?

General Student Information. Click here to access Parent Portal. If you need log in information for Parent Portal, call Mount Tabor's main office (336-703-6700) and ask to speak to our PowerSchool Data Manager, Anita Wade. You can also email her at
