parent portal zcisd

by Keyon Lesch 5 min read

How do I enroll students in Ascender parentportal?

Answer is required. Your ASCENDER ParentPortal account has been created. New Students: If you are new to the district and wish to enroll a student, click Create Account. Returning Students: Log on and complete the Returning Student Enrollment process. New Students: If you are new to the district and wish to enroll a student, click Create Account.

Did you see ZCISD at the Think conference?

ZCISD Leadership Team attends the Think 2021! Conference. HAWK PRIDE AT ITS FINEST! Huge thank you to Mrs. Laura Villarreal and Mr. Michael Villarreal, ZMS teachers, representing ZCISD at the Lead4ward dare ya …think! 2021 Conference. Best of luck to our Zapata High School Students and staff!

What is the parent/student-home access center system?

The Parent/Student - Home Access Center system is an internet portal for parents/guardians/students. Parents/guardians/students will be able to access schedules, attendance, progress reports, report cards, and class work information. The system also provides e-mail links to classroom teachers for easy communication.

Is there a teacher network in Zapata County ISD?

Zapata County ISD would like to extend a warm welcome to all new teachers joining us for the 2021-2022 school year. You are invited to join the 350,000-strong teacher community on Fishbowl and connect with other Zapata County ISD teachers, ask questions anonymously, and get advice.


Zapata North Elementary

Congratulations ZNES Teacher of the Year Mr. Luis Aleman and Instructional Assistant of the Year Mrs. Claudia Paredes!

ZNES Teacher of the Year

Congratulations to Mr. Luis Aleman on being named Teacher of the Year at ZNES! We are so proud of you!

ZNES Instructional Assistant of the Year

Congratulations to Mrs. Claudia Paredes on being named Instructional Assistant of the Year at ZNES! We are so proud of you!

Help Desk

ZNES wishes to congratulate Frances Garcia for receiving the honor of Teacher of the Year! We love you Frances!!

What is the Ascender Parent Portal?

Ascender Parent Portal -- TxConnect is the software application that you use to check your students grades, attendance, etc. If you have any questions please contact your student's campus for assistance.

How to pin parent portal on iPhone?

How to Pin Parent Portal Shortcut on Apple and Android. Open a browser on your device. Browse to the district Ascender website. iPhone users will need to use the Safari browser. Android users may use Chrome. For iPhone, in the Safari browser, click the box with the arrow at bottom of page and choose Add to Home Screen.
