park hill parent portal

by Gage Schneider DVM 4 min read

Why choose Park Hill School District?

Earning hundreds of awards each year, the Park Hill School District and our schools, staff and students are recognized leaders. Hear about the Park Hill School District from our students, staff, families and alumni, in their own words. Our people tell the real story of Park Hill.

Which Park Hill students earned College Board national recognition?

Four Park Hill High School students earned academic honors from the College Board National Recognitions programs. Sasha Kalis is the Clay Platte Region of the Missouri Association of Elementary School Principals' Exemplary New Principal. Nathan Carrillo from Park Hill High School earned top honors in the QuestBridge National College Match program.

When are the auditions for Park Hill High School?

All-District orchestra and band auditions will take place in November. Park Hill High School and Park Hill South High School’s 2020-2021 boys and girls soccer teams each earned the Academic Award from the United Soccer Coaches Association, which honors teams for maintaining at least a 3.25 GPA.

Why families move to Park Hill?

We are trying to do the right things to take care of our students, our staff and our community. From our award-winning students and staff to our innovative programs, this report highlights why families continue to move here to join our Park Hill family.


School-Year Program

Adventure Club for the elementary students and Prime Time for the middle school students, provide a safe, happy, caring and structured environment where students have an opportunity to learn lifelong skills in recreation and social behavior.

Non-School Days and Early Release Days

Non-school days and elementary early release days are included in your monthly fees if you are signed up for the school-year program. DO NOT sign up for the Non-School Day Only program if you are registering for before and/or after school care.

Summer Day Camp

Summer Day Camp is a full day program available to students during the summer months. If your child is attending during the Summer School session, they must also be enrolled for Summer School. The location your child will be attending during the weeks of summer school will depend on the space available at each location.

Pre-K Summer Adventure

We currently offer care for pre-kindergarten students while Summer School is in session.


Non-school day and inclement weather day hours of operation are from 6:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. See the Non-School Days page for more information.

Tuition and Fees

A $50 registration fee per student is due at the time of enrollment. Monthly fees include all non-school, early release, and inclement weather days.

Payment Options

School year payments are due on the first of each month, and a late fee of $20 will be charged if your account is not paid in full by the 15th. Services will be discontinued if payment is not made by the last day of the month.
