port isabel parent portal

by Sheridan Marvin 9 min read

What is Port Isabel high school like as a student?

I attend Port Isabel HIgh School as a student.Its a very small school in very small tourist-community town. I do feel that few parts of our administration are lacking, but this school is no way as bad...

Where is the Port Isabel City Hall?

The Port Isabel City Hall is located at 305 E. Maxan St. in downtown Port Isabel. (956)943-2682. Read On... Read On... Read On... We look forward to booking your special event at the Port Isabel Event and Cultural Center. The Port Isabel Economic Development Corporation (PIEDC) is a non-profit 4B corporation governed by a Board of Directors.

What is the Port Isabel Economic Development Corporation?

The Port Isabel Economic Development Corporation (PIEDC) is a non-profit 4B corporation governed by a Board of Directors. The City of Port Isabel has a number of parks that the public may enjoy!

Where can I book my Special Event in Port Isabel?

We look forward to booking your special event at the Port Isabel Event and Cultural Center. The Port Isabel Economic Development Corporation (PIEDC) is a non-profit 4B corporation governed by a Board of Directors. The City of Port Isabel has a number of parks that the public may enjoy!


When was Port Isabel sold?

Port Isabel for sale! The complete sale of the sea village occurred in the Spring of 1927. The acquisition was announced in Brownsville and the following year, it was incorporated into an official town. On this historical day, the city began its march toward establishing a modern city with all the amenities.

Did Port Isabel attract tourists?

As modern methods of fishing developed, local folk not only consumed what they caught, but later were engaged in the commercialization of the industry. Port Isabel, in yonder years, did not attract visitors with fancy restaurants like it does today.

About This Group

This is a place for parents to share their thoughts and tips to create a positive experience in the PIISD. You may rave and rant but, it all mus …

Group rules from the admins

We're all in this together. Let's treat everyone with respect. Healthy debates are natural, but kindness is required.

District Summary Ratings

GreatSchools’ Summary Rating provides an overall snapshot of school quality based on multiple measures, like academics, equity, and the school environment, compared to other public schools in the state. In this section you can see a summary of the percentage of schools in this district with above, below, or about average Summary Ratings.

Top schools

These are some of the top-rated public schools in Point Isabel Independent School District based on a variety of measures, including academic performance and equity. Click to see the full list of schools sorted by rating. About the GreatSchools rating

Award winners

The College Success Awards recognize public high schools that stand out in ​getting students enrolled in - and staying with - college.


Is this district offering opportunity for all its students, or leaving some kids behind? Successful districts are working to close the achievement gap.

Advanced courses

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and math. Find out more about why STEM coursework is so important for today’s students.

Student demographics

Schools that create a positive culture help all students thrive. See how.

Teachers & staff

Parents often value small class sizes, but the truth is more complicated.
