powerschool parent portal d49

by Stacy Farrell 5 min read

How do I access my student information in PowerSchool?

Before you can access your student information, you must create a new parent account ( existing IC accounts will not work in PowerSchool ). You need to have at least one student Access ID and Password to create an account.

What is PowerSchool and how does it work?

PowerSchool is the District’s new web-based tool providing real-time insights on student grades, schedules, performance, and attendance. Before you can access your student information, you must create a new parent account ( existing IC accounts will not work in PowerSchool ).

How do I create a student account on D49?

To get started, please click on the link below You may also find the login location by going to D49.org. 1. Click on Create an Account 2. Enter your information and create a username and password of your choosing. 3. Enter your student's first and last name.

How do I create a Parent Portal account?

To create your Parent Portal account, simply follow the steps listed below. To get started, please click on the link below You may also find the login location by going to D49.org. 1. Click on Create an Account 2. Enter your information and create a username and password of your choosing. 3. Enter your student's first and last name. 4.


Step 3: Complete information requested

Please make sure you use your name as you provided it to the District An example is if you have a hyphenated name like Sue Smith-Baker but you usually only go by Sue Baker the system will require you to use Sue Smith-Baker or it won't allow you to create the account.

Step 3: Complete information requested (Continued)

When you follow the directions from the PS Parent Account Creation Guide D49 (PDF attachment), the second part of the set up instructions explains you can link your student’s account by showing you where to enter the student’s first and last name (must be typed just as you provided to us for registration).

Assessment & Analytics

Login to PowerSchool Assessment (formerly onTRAC), PowerSchool Analytics (formerly onTRAC LDS), or PowerTest (formerly iTest).


Create and deliver rich, engaging content with embedded lessons, easily receive digital files from students, and electronically provide comments, feedback, and grades.

Online Training

If you’re a subscriber of Professional Development Plus (PD+), login here or contact a sales rep to learn more.


PowerSource is a community-focused customer support portal for all PowerSchool products.


Streamline enrollment for new student applications and enrollment, school choice and lotteries, annual student.
