praxis parent portal

by Prof. Josianne Legros 9 min read

How is the Praxis portal different from other portals?

The key difference between the Praxis Portal and all other portals is that Praxis manages the portal given each encounter, something that no template can do. Thus, just as Praxis automates your patient visits, it automates your patient portal as well.

How does Praxis work?

The Concept Processor inside Praxis updates the portal automatically with what you want (or don't want) shared with each patient given the patient encounter, characteristics, conditions and protocols. I mention this because most portals today become a Pandora's Box for your clinic.

Is praxischool the last school administration software you need?

Get the last school administration software you’ll ever need at one low, all-inclusive price. PraxiSchool is both practical and powerful. We live by the philosophy of: “Do it Live. Do It Once. Do It Praxi!”

Why choose praxischool?

Get the last school administration software you’ll ever need at one low, all-inclusive price. PraxiSchool is both practical and powerful. We live by the philosophy of: “Do it Live. Do It Once. Do It Praxi!” Why use multiple applications to manage your school, when you can use one? We designed our platform to handle all your needs.


Where is PraxiSchool hosted?

PraxiSchool is hosted in the cloud, which means you don’t need an expensive in-house server or server administration. Your database is backed up daily and stored in multiple locations for added security.

What is a praxischool?

PraxiSchool covers every area of school management from office administration and accounting, to the classroom and home.

What is a praxi?

Praxi records all pertinent system activity to ensure the highest level of security for all personnel. We can monitor all activity, keep track of transactions, and even restore deleted or voided records.

What is Praxis School?

Promoting a ‘student focused’ approach helps us to set expectations and promote inclusion within a positive learning climate. We implement evidence-based High Impact Teaching Strategies to achieve diagnosis of learning needs, identify, unpack, discuss and model the strategies, and collectively review them as part of observation rounds. This approach creates opportunities for authentic and rich learning tasks.

Is Praxis accredited by Umalusi?

Praxis is proudly registered with the Independent Examinations Board (IEB), which is accredited by Umalusi, and known for its high educational standard s and outstanding commitment to quality assessment. We employ qualified and experienced teachers who are registered with the South African Council of Educators (SACE). These aspects enable learners to be assured of quality assessment in accordance with policy.
