pryor public schools parent portal

by Leslie Quitzon 6 min read

Top 4 Finish for Pryor Wrestlers at Dual State

A triumph squad celebrates sophomore Kade Edmonds’ winning pin against a Guthrie wrestler during the Dual State competition.

FCCLA Celebrates Kindness Week as Part of Career Tech Month

As part of Career Tech Month, FCCLA celebrated FCCLA National Week by making heart shaped pillows for Valentine’s Day. Each FCCLA member made two pillows, and one was donated to either Hospice or ViaLife Home Health. Eighty pillows were donated in all.

Pryor High School Launches Afterschool Tutoring Program

Pryor High School is proud to announce a new after hours program to provide students extended time for tutoring or individualized assistance. This voluntary program will be every Tuesday and Thursday (on regularly scheduled school days) from 3:30 to 6:00 pm in room 114.

2022 Oklahoma LifeSmarts Champions

Pryor High School students Mason Pendley, Hayden Babb, Elizabeth Ward, Lily Ortiz, and Grace Vivion competed in the LifeSmarts challenge. These five students placed first at the Oklahoma State LifeSmarts competition, “the Ultimate Consumer Challenge.”

All-Region Honor Band Members

Last weekend, January 29th-30th, 2022, the Pryor freshmen band students went to Union High School for the Northeast Oklahoma Band Directors Association honor band auditions. The PHS freshmen band students represented the program well and placed both in Symphonic and Concert bands.

Parent Learner Resource Guide

Pryor Public Schools has put together a resource packet to help our learners and parents navigate our new and old online programs. Below you will find directions and how to get access codes for everything your learner will need.


Here is a short presentation with videos and instructions to assist you in getting set up in Schoology. Please note that these videos were created by another school district and shared with us, so a few of them reference a different school name. The Parent Resource slideshow can be found here:

USATest Prep

USATestPrep is a tool that core teachers will use to gauge learner progress on various skills. View the Quick Start Guide below, and see specifics below for additional details.

Lincoln Elementary

PPS To Finish Week with Distance Learning, Friday, February 25 Due to winter weather conditions, the district will continue in distance learning for Friday, February 25. With the weather warming over the weekend, we look forward to welcoming everyone back to school on Monday.

Jostens Memory Yearbook

Parents log onto memorybook to get your child a yearbook. Pryor is having a sale on year books right now for only $25. The school code is 950258, you will need this for purchasing the yearbook.

Lincoln recertifies as school of character!

Lincoln has been recognized again as an Oklahoma State School of Character.

Handle with Care

If your child is experiencing difficulties at home, we would like to provide additional support at school. We understand that you are not always able to share details and that is okay. If your child is coming to school after a difficult night, morning, or weekend, please text or email us “Handle with Care” with your child’s name.
