psc parent portal

by Mr. Zander Bernhard I 5 min read

How do I create a Parent Portal account?

Parent Portal accounts are usually created as part of the student application process. If you missed out on creating a portal account at this stage, you can request a Login Letter from us. If you've received a Login Letter from the college, the first thing to do is to create an account.

How do parents get access to their students'profiles?

Parents are given a unique code, or access ID, for each of their students and are able to use those codes to set up an account to access their students' profiles through the parent portal. Parents who haven't received their student's access ID should contact their school.

What is the parent portal at Peter Symonds College?

Parent Portal. The Peter Symonds College Parent Portal allows you to access information relating to your son or daughter's life at college. This includes timetables, attendance data and coursework deadlines. Access to the portal is available to parents and guardians of all current students.

When will the parent/student portal re-open?

The Parent/Student Portal will reopen in August. Please see the Portal Instructions for information on obtaining your child's web access username and password and using them to create your account.* *Accounts created previously have not changed.


How to create a PowerSchool account?

1. Go to “PowerSchool Parent” from the School Webpage. 2. Choose Create Account. 3. Fill in your information including new password, which must be at least 6 digits. (Must enter email address) 4. Enter the access id & password found on the letter (s) to link your student (s) to your new login.

Can parents have one login for PowerSchool?

This means that parents can have one login to access all of their children’s grades and attendance in one place . Also, parents and guardians will no longer have to share logins as each parent or guardian can set up his or her own unique login and password. 1.

Does PowerSchool have a parent portal?

PowerSchool now provides single sign-on access to the PowerSchool Parent Portal. With single sign-on access parents/guardians can now have their own individual parent/guardian account, including user name and password.
