q connection parent portal

by Jakayla Powlowski I 6 min read

What is Q parent connection and Q student connection?

It is hooked up to Q Student Connection that houses all student data such as grades, attendance, etc. You can change your contact information in Q Parent Connection and that information will be updated in our communications system (ParentSquare) nightly.

What is the use of parentconnection?

ParentConnection allows parents with active students to check school information about their students. Parents can use this tool to contact teachers, get class news and monitor their student's assignments, attendance and grades.

What happens after I turn in the Q parentconnection request form?

Within one month of turning in the Q ParentConnection Request Form to a school site, the parent will receive an email with a PIN number, temporary password and instructions on how to log into Q ParentConnection.

What is Zangle/Q parentconnection?

Q ParentConnection / Overview Zangle/Q houses virtually all student information, from vaccinations to transcripts, in one unified database. Zangle/Q houses virtually all student information, from vaccinations to transcripts, in one unified database. Skip to Main Content District Home Sign In Register Search Our Site District Home Our Schools


How to access my child's data?

Parents May Request Web Access to their Child’s Data By: 1 Downloading and completing the Q ParentConnection Request Form.#N#Click here to download the Q ParentConnection Request Form (English)#N#Click here to download the Q ParentConnection Request Form (Spanish) 2 Parents are to complete the Q ParentConnection Request Form (first page) and return it in person to one of their student’s school sites. Parents are to retain the Terms of Use Agreement, (second page) for their own records. The school will verify the parent’s identity at the time the form is submitted to the school site. 3 Within one month of turning in the Q ParentConnection Request Form to a school site, the parent will receive an email with a PIN number, temporary password and instructions on how to log into Q ParentConnection.

What is a PIN for school?

Using a confidential PIN (personal identification number) and password, parents can connect to the school district’s student database using a web browser and view their child’s data, such as school news, classroom news, student schedules, attendance activity, class assignments, progress reports.

What is Q ParentConnection?

Q/ParentConnection houses all student information, from vaccinations to transcripts, in one unified database. This system provides information 24 hours a day, seven days a week to parents and educators. If you need your PIN and/or password please follow the directions below or contact your school.

What is student connect?

StudentConnection allows active students to see their assignments, attendance, grades and more. Students receive login information during the first two weeks of school. All information is available immediately after posting by the school or teacher.

Can parents send email to students?

Parents may have student information sent to them by email. See the "Notifications" tab in the upper right of the ParentConnection home Web page for email settings. Passwords are issued to parents who requested Web access and provided an email address with their school.

How to reset password on Q?

Just click on the "Reset your password" link right under PIN and password boxes. You'll be prompted to enter your email address.

When will electronic report cards be available for summer school?

Electronic Report Cards for Summer School will be viewable on July 20th, 2021 in the Q Student Connection and Parent Connection portals. To view report cards, please follow these instructions for Viewing Electronic Report Cards in Q. Online Registration will be available at on July 30th, 2021.
