ramsey parent portal

by Odell Denesik 6 min read

Why choose Ramsey Elementary?

WELCOME TO RAMSEY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL! Ramsey Elementary serves about 350 students in grades 1 through 3. We believe that by meeting children’s academic AND social/emotional needs, excellence is attained. One of the advantages of a small school is that every child is known by and has positive interactions with multiple adults every day.

What do we do for parents and carers at Bishop Ramsey?

We are particularly grateful for the Parents’ Prayer Group which meets in the Chapel twice each term. The Friends of Bishop Ramsey (FBR) is a thriving and active association which arranges enjoyable events with opportunities to meet other parents/carers and friends of the School.

Why choose Bishop Ramsey?

At Bishop Ramsey we work in partnership with parents/carers so that our students achieve the very best they can. A full school report is issued once a year with progress updates each term, this includes detailed comment on a child’s progress, interest in each subject, and response to school life in general.

When is the Ramsey Public Education Foundation 5K&Family Fun Run?

Join our awesome co-hosts, Miss Gravalis and Miss Megna, for a night of family fun on Thursday, March 24th! Click above for details and to register. The Ramsey Public Education Foundation invites you to join us for our Sprint for Our Schools 5K & Family Fun Run on May 14th - Registration is now open!


When is the next parent academy?

The next Parent Academy will be held on Wednesday, January 8, 2020 at Smith School Cafeteria at 7:30 PM. From the New York Times bestselling author of Odd Girl Out, a deeply urgent book that gives adults the tools to help girls in high school and college reject "supergirl" pressure, overcome a toxic stress culture, and become resilient adults with healthy, happy, and fulfilling lives.

When will start strong assessments be administered in New Jersey?

The United States Department of Education (USED) recently informed the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) that the administration of Start Strong assessments in fall 2021 will satisfy the federal statewide assessment requirement for the 2020-21 school year. Therefore, there will be no spring 2021 administration of the New Jersey Student Learning Assessments (NJSLA). The Start Strong assessments will be administered in fall 2021 to all students in English Language Arts (ELA) grades 4-10, Mathematics grades 4-8, Algebra I, Geometry and Algebra II, and in Science grades 6, 9, and 12. These assessments will be administered in person from September 13, 2021 through October 22, 2021. I will provide more detailed information as it is available about the schedule and duration of these assessments.

Is Ramsey School District canceled?

As we have said many times throughout this past year, in Ramsey “our vision is not canceled.” We would like to provide an additional opportunity for students to accelerate their learning by continuing to build upon their skills and knowledge. As such, we would like to offer a two-week, in-person educational program called Stepping Stones for incoming students in Grades 1-8 that will provide further opportunities for extension and growth. Click headline for more information.

Is Ramsey School District a common sense district?

The Ramsey School District has just been approved as a Common Sense District, an honor that recognizes our efforts in teaching digital citizenship to young people and engaging the entire community in this important discussion and supporting educators using technology for learning. The recognition acknowledges our district's’ commitment creating a culture of digital learning and citizenship...Click headline for more detail.

Is Ramsey High School in Saddle River?

As part of the experiences for Ramsey High School students enrolled in the Child Development Class, Ramsey and Saddle River preschool age children are invited to participate in a preschool program that is supervised by Ramsey High School students and the Child Development teaching staff. Registration forms for the October 2020 preschool class are available on-line in both English and Spanish versions. Click headline for more information.


Ramsey Elementary serves about 350 students in grades 1 through 3. We believe that by meeting children’s academic AND social/emotional needs, excellence is attained. One of the advantages of a small school is that every child is known by and has positive interactions with multiple adults every day.

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Hubbard School Pride Day - Friday, March 4th

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Preschool Registration for 2022 - 2023

Registration applications for the tuition based Integrated Preschool Program for the 2022-2023 school year are now available. Click above for information related to the preschool registration process.
