ray pec parent portal

by Thelma Hegmann 5 min read

Who are the new principals at Ray-Pec schools?

Cristin Blunt will be the assistant principal at Ray-Pec East Middle School, effective in July. The Ray-Pec School Board approved the hiring at its April 29 meeting. She is currently an administrative intern in the Hickman Mills School District. Read on... Ashley Tegenkamp will be the new principal at Creekmoor Elementary, effective in July.

What is the user name for the parent login?

The User Name for the parent login is the full email address. For more information on our schools, please visit the Ray-Pec Website.

What's the name of Ray-Pec's new lead center?

On April 29, the Ray-Pec School Board approved a name for the new district facility at M-58 Highway and Foxridge Drive. It will now be called the Ray-Pec LEAD Center.

Who won the Raymore-Peculiar public school foundation partners in Education Award?

Allison Bruflat of Raymore and the Raymore and Peculiar Sonic restaurants are the 2017 recipients of the Partners in Education award from the Raymore-Peculiar Public School Foundation. Read on... Congratulations to Ella Menzel on placing third in the Junior Varsity tourney on Sept. 1 at Longview.


How many Ray Pec high school seniors have signed letters of intent?

Congratulations to these 20 Ray-Pec High School Seniors who have signed letters of intent to continue their athletic careers in college. The students were honored at a ceremony on Feb. 3 at the high school. Read on...

What is the Ray Pec LEAD Center?

On April 29, the Ray-Pec School Board approved a name for the new district facility at M-58 Highway and Foxridge Drive. It will now be called the Ray-Pec LEAD Center. LEAD stands for Learning, Experiences, And Discovery.

What is Ray Pec High School honors?

High School honors students for academic achievements. On Oct. 22, Ray-Pec High School honored students with academic honors earned during the 2019-2020 school year. Awards included the Academic Letter, the Lamp of Learning award, placing in the top 5 percent of their class, and AP and IB Scholarship.

What is the Raymore Peculiar School District's budget award?

The award recognizes the District for its 2020-2021 budget submission. Read on...

How much does Major Saver raise?

Major Saver card sales raises more than $26,000. Kelly Osborn, president of Major Saver, presented a check for $26,010 to the Ray-Pec Public School Foundation and Ray-Pec elementary and middle schools. Of that total, $13,042.50 benefits the Foundation, and the rest benefits schools that participated.

How many students are involved in MSHSAA?

On June 24, Activities Director Kirk Hipple reported to the School Board on the Athletic/Activities Program. He said that 1,190 students were involved in one or more MSHSAA activities during the 2020-21 school year.

When is virtual learning day in elementary school?

Dec. 4, 11, and 18 will be virtual learning days for elementary students. On those days, grades K-5 will not attend school in-person. There will be limited virtual instruction and time for teacher collaboration. Dec. 18 is the last day of the semester. Read on...
