rcds parent portal

by Emmett Feest 6 min read

How many students attend RCDS?

The School is an easy walk from the Metro-North station, and over 100 students take the train each day. RCDS was founded in 1869 by Susan J. Life. Her motto was "Not for Self, but for Service" and her philosophy was that teaching should be personal and relationship-based.

How do students access the PowerSchool portal?

District high school students also have access to the PowerSchool Portal and will receive an email to their rcsd121.org Gmail account with their username and password. An approval is required from our legal department for non-parent/guardian accounts. Please note the school must have you listed as a contact prior to your request.

Why choose RCDS?

RCDS draws students from 89 different zip codes. The School is an easy walk from the Metro-North station, and over 100 students take the train each day. RCDS was founded in 1869 by Susan J. Life. Her motto was "Not for Self, but for Service" and her philosophy was that teaching should be personal and relationship-based.

What is the RCSD back-to-school guide?

The RCSD Back-to-School Guide will help ensure a smooth return to school for students in person, five days a week. This guide includes information about daily health screenings for students, universal masking, Chromebooks, school visitations, and more. Learn More


Return-to-School Plan 2021

RCDS Ready is our comprehensive strategy to welcome our community back to campus this fall. The procedures outlined here reflect the mandates set in place by the state of NJ, recommendations from the CDC, Monmouth County Regional Health Commission as well as RCDS educational, health, and facilities professionals.

Arrival and Dismissal 2021-2022

Click here to download the Arrival and Dismissal Plan for the 2021-2022 school year.

COVID-19 Waiver

Due to circumstances and conditions created by COVID-19, we must ask all RCDS families to sign electronically a waiver that is specific to this school year. A link to the waiver is below. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, and, like you, I look forward to the day when measures like this will be behind us.

Gator Pledge

The Gator Pledge represents our mutual commitment to the health and safety of our community and our recognition that, especially during these challenging times, our actions affect all of our RCDS community members.

Ordering Lunch 2020-2021

We are excited to announce that The Rumson Country Day School has selected EZ School Apps as our school lunch management software for the 2020-21 school year. The software offers a user friendly way to order student meals provided by Side Dish online at ezschoolapps.com .

Health Forms

Click here to download the Nursery-4th Grade Physical Form. Click here to download the 5th-8th Grade Physical Form.

School Store

Got Gator Gear? Sport your RCDS spirit with Under Armour, Nike and Champion made t-shirts, sweatpants, fleece jackets, polos and more!

Applying to Nursery–Pre-K

Our application and parent questionnaire must be submitted along with the $50 non-refundable application fee to the Admission Office prior to the parent interview. We ask that families complete this application by December 1. If you are interested in our Early Childhood program after December 1, please contact the Admission Office.

Applying to the Lower School (Beginners–Grade 4)

Students interested in applying to Beginners (Kindergarten)-4th grade must submit our application and parent questionnaire, along with the $75 non-refundable application fee to the Admission Office prior to their interview and visit.

Applying to the Upper School (Grades 5–8)

Students interested in applying to grades 5-8 must submit our application and parent questionnaire, along with the $75 non-refundable application fee to the Admission Office prior to their interview and visit.

What is RCDS in education?

Students emerge from RCDS with strength of character, ready to engage in continuous learning, to show kindness and empathy, to adapt and thrive within a changing global context, to contribute meaningfully to their communities large and small, and to find joy and fulfillment in life. Experiences that promote these outcomes are woven throughout the program with increasing complexity and expectations.

What are the skills of RCDS?

RCDS students practice skills and habits essential for wellness and success in college, in work, and in life, including communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability. RCDS students make a positive difference in the world as aware, engaged, and purpose-driven citizens.

How many butterflies are there in Rye?

There are a total of 36 butterflies created by local artists (11 in the Rye Village Green and 25 smaller works spread across the City of Rye) on display throughout the summer. Check out Peter’s interview with the Rye Arts Center via link in bio. Instagram.

What is Rye Country Day School?

Rye Country Day School is a coeducational, college preparatory school dedicated to providing students from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12 with an excellent education using both traditional and innovative approaches .

COVID-19 Reporting and Health & Safety in Schools

View weekly COVID-19 reporting and other guidance and updates on measures the District and its schools are taking to keep all students and staff safe. COVID reporting figures are updated each Friday. Learn More

Supply Drive Benefits Students at John Williams School No. 5 and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School No. 9

The Rochester City School District thanks the law firm Harter Secrest and Emery LLP for its donation of school supplies to students at John Williams School No. 5 and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. School No. 9. Learn More

Superintendent Dr. Lesli Myers-Small Announces Leadership Appointment

The Rochester City School District is pleased to announce the appointment of LaJuan White as Chief of Schools. Learn More

Franklin Upper School Teacher Named NYS Master Teacher

The Rochester City School District congratulates Sharon Beasley on her selection as a New York State Master Teacher. Learn More
