parent portal

by Ivy Treutel 5 min read

How do I enroll a student in Richland School District two?

If you are new to Richland School District Two schools and are enrolling a student for the first time, please Click here to Enroll. Si es nuevo en las escuelas del Distrito Escolar Dos de Richland y está inscribiendo a un estudiante por primera vez, haga clic aquí para inscribirse.

What is the Richland Two annual registration?

Start Annual Registration here! El Registro Anual ya está en marcha en Richland Two. Este proceso incluye proveer prueba de domicilio, verificación de la información del estudiante y revisar y completar formas. Las familias de estudiantes que regresan a nuestras escuelas deben completar este proceso anualmente.

What is Parent Portal and how does it work?

Parent Portal give parents confidential access through PowerSchool to your child's grades, class and bus assignments, attendance and other information. Need help? Click here and follow the directions.

How do parents sign up for annual registration?

Parents need to log into their Parent Portal account to complete Annual Registration. If you need help setting up your ParentPortal Account, please contact the Registrar at their child's school. Click here for a list of their email addresses.


When will RSD2 start making appointments?

Appointments Required: Beginning June 21, 2021, RSD2's Registrar Office will begin setting up appointments. Email the District Registrar Office at ( to make an appointment. Select preferred date (you will be scheduled for a time)

How many people can attend the R2I2?

Only two people per family can attend. Participants will wait in the R2i2 parking lot with their vehicle until registrars contact the registered person at the number provided during registration. All participants must wear a mask. If a mask is not available, one will be provided.
