ringgold org parent portal

by Carmine Klein III 7 min read

Where do I register for Ringgold School District?

Comments (-1) Effective July 1, 2018 Ringgold School District will have Central Registration. All new students to Ringgold School District will register at the Central Office located at 400 Main Street, New Eagle, PA 15067.

Is the Ringgold School District still offering free meals?

The USDA has extended waivers allowing school districts to continue to offer free meals to all enrolled students. We are pleased to inform you that the Ringgold School District will be participating in this program throughout the 2021-2022 school year.

How do I contact Ringgold?

Find Us. Administration Building 400 Main Street. New Eagle, PA 15067. Phone: 724-258-9329. Fax: webmaster@ringgold.org


What is Parent Portal?

Infinite Campus Parent Portal is the most frequently used software in Catoosa County Schools. Parents and students use this website and app to access student grades, review attendance and absences, and more. The parent portal site and app provides a connection to help keep everyone engaged with activities and events in the classroom.

Set Up Procedures and Preferences

The Campus Parent Portal is designed specifically for parents and is optimized for use on mobile devices and tablets.

Tools Available in Parent Portal

The Attendance tool lists the absences and tardies for attendance taking periods in the selected term. Navigate between terms using the options at the top.

How to Update my Information in my existing Parent Portal account?

It is very important for you to keep your Parent Portal information up to date. Catoosa county uses the portal for schoolcast texts, broadcast emails, emergency contacts, and more.
