sachem north parent portal

by Thalia Bergnaum 3 min read

How do I register a new student in Sachem School?

If you do not already have an account with the Sachem School District, and would like to register a new student, please click on the "Online Registration" link at the bottom. Do not click the 'Online Registration' link to create a Parent Portal account.

How do I register a new student in the parent portal?

If you already have a parent portal account, log in to it to register a new student. If you do not already have an account with the Sachem School District, and would like to register a new student, please click on the "Online Registration" link at the bottom.

Why the sachem family?

The Sachem Family (students, parents, employees and residents) works interdependently to develop leaders of great character who are highly competent, confident and caring. Most importantly we are motivating our students to become the best possible version of themselves.

Why work at Sachem?

Sign up for our e-newsletter! The Sachem Family (students, parents, employees and residents) works interdependently to develop leaders of great character who are highly competent, confident and caring. Most importantly we are motivating our students to become the best possible version of themselves.


Clubs & Honor Societies Links

Anime Club Art Club Buddies Club Business & Marketing Honor Society Central Treasurer DECA Drama Producer Economics and Finance Freshman Class Advisor Garden Club Interact Club Intercultural Council Junior Class Advisor Leos Club Model United Nations National Art Honor Society National Foreign Language Honor Society National History Honor Society National Honor Society: Policy & Guidelines | Current 10th Grade Service Clarifications National Math Honor Society National Science Honor Society National Technical Honor Society Northwind Photography Club Pitches United Sachem North Gamers Club Sachem North Gsa Sachem North Mentors Club Sachem North Pet Rescue Club Sachem Robotics Team School Store Science Olympiad Senior Class Senior Day Coordinator Senior Trip Coordinator Skills Usa Sophmore Class Advisors Special Olympics Stem Club Student Government Ted Ed/Talks Yearbook Advisor Yearbook Distribution Young Adult Social Club.

Business & Marketing Honor Society

Must complete 20 service hours during the school year this includes tutoring, club activities, charity work, or volunteer work.


Facilitate the understanding and cooperation between fathers of high school students, teachers, administrators, parents, and the community of Sachem North and the Sachem School District. Provide opportunities for fathers and high school students to be brought closer in a spirit of better understanding and cooperation.

Annual Dues

Annual Dues will be voluntary in contribution, as just participating in this group will be the best donation for our cause that one can give the community.
