san diego parent portal

by Ms. Scarlett Macejkovic Jr. 7 min read

What is parent&family programs at UC San Diego?

Parent & Family Programs at UC San Diego provides opportunities to family members to journey through UC San Diego alongside their student. While your student is on campus, families remain an important ally to the university as we seek to help your student find success academically, socially and personally.

What is parentconnection and how do I login?

ParentConnection is a web-portal application associated with the Zangle student information system. San Diego Unified has migrated to PowerSchool for the 2013-14 school year. Your ParentConnection login will not work with PowerSchool. What do I need to login? Parents need to create their own account on parent portal.

What is the parent portal for students?

Parent Portal The MyUSDStudent Portal (formerly the Parent Portal) allows parents to conduct business on behalf of their student, view their student's records and get updates. With authorization from their student, parents can see posted grades, academic schedules and financial aid information.

What is the myusdstudent portal?

The MyUSDStudent Portal (formerly the Parent Portal) allows parents to conduct business on behalf of their student, view their student's records and get updates. With authorization from their student, parents can see posted grades, academic schedules and financial aid information.


Coronavirus Information for the UC San Diego Community

Our leaders are working closely with federal and state officials to ensure your ongoing safety at the university. Stay up to date with the latest developments.

Triton Family Web Series

The Triton Family Web Series will come back for Summer 2021 - in the meantime, all 11 sessions from the Fall, Winter, and Spring quarters are currently available on our brand new YouTube Channel. Watch all the recorded sessions on the playlist link below and make sure to like and subscribe to our YouTube Channel!

When Parents Are Informed, Students Benefit

Whether you are a family member living locally or abroad and whether your student is in their first or last quarter at UC San Diego, our office helps you navigate campus resources to support your student.

Triton Parent & Family Ambassador

Parents and families play an important role in their student’s educational journey. One student’s experience at UC San Diego will differ from other students, which means the ways in which that student is supported will differ from how other students are supported by their family.

Additional Resources

Get informed, including learning about health requirements for incoming students.

Parent and Family Top Questions

Got questions? Use this resource to find answers to all your frequently asked questions.

What is a parent authorized user account?

*The first field, "Parent or Authorized User Account", is referring to a username for the account. This username must be unique; usernames such as "mom" or "dad" have already been claimed.

Who is responsible for paying tuition and fees at SDSU?

You may request billing to a third party sponsor/agency for Tuition and Fees. However, as a student enrolled at SDSU, you are ultimately responsible for paying all balances owed. This includes balances defaulted by your sponsor.

Does SDSU pay for tuition?

As explained above, SDSU is a prepay campus and will not bill for Basic Tuition. If you do not qualify for a Financial Aid Fee Postponement you are responsible for paying Basic Tuition (or enrolling in the Installment Plan) each term before your registration date.

Can a parent account be used to pay SDSU bills?

For a student's information to be disclosed to anyone, the student must authorize the individual. If someone other than the student will be paying the bills, a Parent Account may be created which will allow the individual to make payments to SDSU on the student's behalf.

Is SDSU early registration?

SDSU has an early registration timeline for continuing students. Because we are a prepaid campus, you will have to address Tuition & Fees again before your first semester at SDSU ends.
