saugus school district parent portal

by Alyson Bayer 4 min read

How do I enroll my child in Saugus Union schools?

Welcome to Saugus Union Schools! We are happy you've chosen to enroll your child in our district. If you are unsure of your school of residence, please enter your residential address in the locate your school link provided for you. Please begin the enrollment process by completing the online forms within our Online Registration portal (OLR).

What is the Saugus CDP?

Welcome to the Saugus Union School District Child Development Programs (CDP). Our goal is to serve parents who need before- and after-school child care for their elementary school students and/or preschool for their three- and four-year-old children.

Why choose Saugus Union School District?

We are dedicated to providing an enriching, safe, and nurturing environment and to helping all children feel successful. Saugus Union School District has moved to a convenient, mobile-friendly, online tool to register and manage your child care account from any device, including your smartphone or tablet. Ready to begin?


Charles Helmers /saugus Unified School District | VALENCIA CA

CHARLES HELMERS /SAUGUS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT is a DAY CARE CENTER in VALENCIA CA. It has maximum capacity of 24 children. The license number is: 197416055.

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We Have It All

We care about each student and are dedicated to providing an education that allows all of our students to succeed. We proudly offer a challenging academic curriculum supplemented with a variety of extracurricular programs and services that enhance the student learning experience.

State of Our District

To help all members of the Saugus Union family (parents, community members, and staff) understand what the challenges are and how the district will work to address them, our superintendent, Dr.

What is CDP in Saugus Union?

Welcome to the Saugus Union School District Child Development Programs (CDP). Our goal is to serve parents who need after and before school child care for their elementary school students and/or preschool for their three and four year old children. We are dedicated to providing an enriching, safe, and nurturing environment and to helping all children feel successful.

Is Saugus Union School District online?

Saugus Union School District has moved to a convenient, mobile-friendly, online tool to register and manage your child care account from any device, including your smartphone or tablet.

What is Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)?

PBIS is a multi-tiered system of support (MTSS) developed by the Office of Special Education Programs of the U.S. Department of Education. PBIS promotes positive and safe school climates by clearly identifying positive behavioral expectations and explicitly teaching the desired behaviors to students. It is a framework, not a program or curriculum.

How Long Does it Take to Implement PBIS?

It is a three- to five-year process to plan and fully implement all levels of PBIS. Schools spend the first year training, planning, and discussing the framework with stakeholders. The second year begins the implementation of Tier 1.

Who Uses PBIS?

All 50 states and several countries utilize the PBIS framework. It is also successfully used in probation camps and juvenile justice centers within Los Angeles County. All of our SUSD schools are in the implementation stage. For specific details about PBIS at your child’s school, contact the site administrator or your child’s teacher.

Can Students Still Be Suspended or Expelled?

Yes, if the student violates one or more areas of the CA Education Code (EC) 48900 a-w, a site administrator must fully investigate the situation and may recommend suspension or expulsion. Under EC 48900.5, the school must attempt other means of correction before suspending a student.
