scvcs parent portal

by Joany Satterfield 4 min read

What is scvcs?

SCVCS provides live instruction in real time, with students having an almost traditional bell schedule to follow each day. Classes are live, interactive, and engaging. SCVCS or South Carolina Virtual Charter School is an AdvancED accredited school that provides a tailored education experience for every student.

Is scvcs a Title I school?

As a Title I school for the 2021-2022 school year, SCVCS promotes working with students and families in the development and implementation of activities that will improve student learning.

What does scvcs do if a parent cannot be reached?

If the parent cannot be reached or no plan has been developed, SCVCS will send a certified letter to schedule a meeting to address the student’s absences and develop an Attendance Intervention Plan d) After ten (10) consecutive days of unlawful absences:

How do I contact scvcs for enrollment?

If you have any questions or need assistance during the enrollment process, please call SCVCS at (803) 253-6222 or toll-free at (877) 253-6279. Enrollment for the 2022-2023 School Year Opens in March 2022.


Re-Registration Dates for 2022-2023

Students who do not re-register by the deadline will be removed from SCVCS and would need to re-apply for enrollment if they plan to return for the 2022-2023 school year.

Re-Registration Process

Students must have an updated Proof of Residency and Student/Parent Contract on file each year.

What is the phone number for SCVCS?

Parents should call the SCVCS school office at 803-253-6222 for more information or assistance.

When does SCVCS drop students?

SCVCS will drop the student from their active enrollment as of the 11th day. SCVCS will notify the student’s district/school of residence of withdrawal/truancy from SCVCS and ask for an official request for transfer of records. The student’s school of residence will make a referral for truancy to the Family Court office in the child’s county ...

How Does SCVCS Work?

What makes SCVCS different from the other virtual schools in South Carolina?


My student is an athlete and plans to play college sports. Will SCVCS coursework be accepted by the NCAA?

Who Do I Contact?

Who do I contact for questions about a class, an assignment or test, or a grade in a course?
