sgusd parent portal

by Deontae Weissnat III 3 min read

What is SAUSD’s parent portal?

SAUSD's Parent Portal Connecting and communicating with parents is a primary goal at SAUSD. SAUSD’s Aeries Student Information System provides the capability for parents to access information for their children online through a Parent Portal. The portal is a feature that allows for real-time access to student data using any modern Web browser.

How to contact San Gabriel Unified School District 408?

3 Dual Immersion Schools 6 Core Competencies 19 CIF Sports 1 CA Model Continuation High School 1 Avid Site Gold Ribbon Award High School California Exemplary Program Award Recipient San Gabriel Unified School District 408 Junipero Serra Drive, San Gabriel, CA 91776 Phone: (626) 451-5400 Fax: (626) 451-5494 Useful Links 1 Enroll Now Useful Links 2

What is the portal?

The portal is a feature that allows for real-time access to student data using any modern Web browser. The portal supports the education and safety of students by facilitating communication between school and home.

How do I login to the parent portal using my email?

Once your email is registered in our system, you will receive an email address from AeriesReporting with the following information: Login page, your email adddress and a password for you to login to your Parent Portal. ¿NECESITA UNA CUENTA DE PORTAL PARA PADRES?


How to send a message to a parent?

Here’s what you can do with ParentSquare: 1 Receive messages from the school via email, text or app notification 2 Choose to receive information as it comes or all at once at 6pm daily 3 Communicate in your preferred language 4 Comment on school postings to engage in your school community 5 Direct message teachers, staff and other parents 6 Participate in group messages 7 Sign up for parent-teacher conferences with smart online technology 8 Send payments, sign forms & permission slips, receive report cards, sign up to volunteer and more all from your phone or web portal

What is Parentsquare used for?

The San Gabriel Unified School District uses ParentSquare for school communication, primarily with email, text and app notifications. ParentSquare automatically generates an account for each parent, using their preferred email address and phone number.


Sunol Glen School, located in Sunol (CA), is a public K-8 school. We are a unique school in that we are a one-school, school-district. Our staff prides itself on utilizing the latest technology, best teaching practices, and optimum learning environment for all students.


To avoid two main issues that most other schools struggle with – transient enrollment and limited technology/technology awareness – our staff has developed two signature practices :


To facilitate Distance Learning, Sunol Glen Unified School District provided Chromebooks to students. The photo below shows a picture of our tech team working at the second drive-through distribution that helped connect students to devices.

Back-To-School Night: Sept 2, 2021

Click on the title above for the flyer and links. We hope to see you there!

Intent to Return Town Hall Recording

Click through to view the recording of the June 2nd Town Hall meeting regarding the Virtual Independent Study Program and Returning to In-Person learning options in the fall. Passcode when prompted is %J%=0uR$

SEF's Reading Challenge & Book Review Contest: Submissions Due Nov 12

The SEF Book Review Contest deadline is quickly approaching. Submit your book review by Friday, November 12 to be eligible to win a prize! See the attached flyer for links and details.

Back-To-School Night: Sept 2, 2021

Click on the title above for the flyer and links. We hope to see you there!

Intent to Return Town Hall Recording

Click through to view the recording of the June 2nd Town Hall meeting regarding the Virtual Independent Study Program and Returning to In-Person learning options in the fall. Passcode when prompted is %J%=0uR$

SEF's Reading Challenge & Book Review Contest: Submissions Due Nov 12

The SEF Book Review Contest deadline is quickly approaching. Submit your book review by Friday, November 12 to be eligible to win a prize! See the attached flyer for links and details.

Back-To-School Night: Sept 2, 2021

Click on the title above for the flyer and links. We hope to see you there!
