shelton public schools parent portal

by Madilyn Schroeder 8 min read

What rights does Shelton have?

Failure to meet the selected schedule of payments will give Shelton certain rights which may be executed at Shelton’s sole discretion including: 1. The right to withhold official and unofficial transcripts. 2. The right to withhold diplomas. 3. The right to withhold grades, credits, and all other educational records.

How much is tuition refund?

If purchased, the Tuition Refund Plan will refund 60% of the unused portion of the paid tuition should you decide to withdraw your student from school for any reason, and 75% will be refunded if the withdrawal is for medical reasons. The Tuition Refund Plan is optional unless it was made a condition on your student’s contract.

How much is the convenience fee for credit card payments?

A convenience fee of 2.85% will be charged for all credit card payments. 2. Two Payments – one payment on or before June 5, 2020 and one payment in January 2021 with a $210 installment fee added to each of these payments for a total of $420. Credit card, check (payable to FACTS) or electronic check may be used.

What is the right to withhold diplomas?

The right to withhold diplomas. 3. The right to withhold grades, credits, and all other educational records. 4. The right to prevent students from attending classes, taking examinations, or walking for graduation.

When will the 2020 tuition refund be available?

Any tuition refunds after 8/15/2020 will be subject to the terms of the Refund Tuition Plan. In addition, accounts must be current on 12/15/2020 in order for student (s) to return to school in January.

What is information technology?

Information Technology includes managing our network, maintaining hardware and software, and providing technical support to students and staff.

What time does the Tekhelp office open?

The office is open Monday-Thursday from 8:00 am until 4:30 pm and Friday 8:00 am until 4:00pm. If your student is having difficulties with his or her MacBook, please encourage him or her to go to the Tekhelp Office ASAP. If we don't know that your student is having difficulties, it is impossible for us to help resolve issues. You may also email the Tech Support Staff at

What is family access?

Family access allows guardians to view information for all their children using only one account. Information available is attendance, class schedules, progress reports and other student information.

When is Skyward updated?

Once a month our Skyward program is updated over the weekend. During this update time all components of Skyward, including Family Access, are not available. The update weekend is usually the first full weekend of each month. Family access will not be available from 9 pm Friday night until Sunday morning at 9 am during an update weekend. Access is provided and restricted as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act

When is Family Access available?

Family access will not be available from 9 pm Friday night until Sunday morning at 9 am during an update weekend. Access is provided and restricted as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.
