south pasadena high school parent portal

by Quentin Jacobson 4 min read

Who is the registrar for SPHS 2020-2021?

Registration for the 2020-2021 school year update: If you need to register a new student to attend SPHS in grades 9-12, and have completed an online AIR registration please contact the SPHS registrar, Alice Camacho-Espinoza by email ( to set up an in-person appointment.

When is the next high school registration date for 2021?

2021-2022 REGISTRATION DATES FOR NEW HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Registration appointments for new students will be made from April 19, 2021 – May 14, 2021, and again during the summer, beginning Monday, July 5th to Friday, July 16th, and then again from July 28th until the first day of school, which is TBD, expected in early to mid August, 2021.

What grades do you need to get a transcript for 9th grade?

Transcripts for 9th grade students must show both 7th and 8th grade. Withdrawal grades are required if transferring during the school year. If entering from another country, an official transcript with a notarized English translation is required.
